"Object oriented" fuonctionnal implementation of QuadEdge and guibas stolfi divide and conquer algorithm for delaunay triangulation
I mean it is more readable/understanable than pure C code (at least, i hope)
the paper : http://mesh.brown.edu/DGP/pdfs/Guibas-tog85.pdf
Todo rest of the readme :D
also TODO : API
add to sbt build
libraryDependencies += "blob" % "quadedgetriangulation_2.13" % "1.+"
You might need to add a resolver to this repo:
see this repo : https://github.com/djspiewak/sbt-github-packages
in project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")
in build.sbt:
githubTokenSource := // TokenSource.GitConfig("github.token") or TokenSource.Environment("GITHUB_TOKEN")
resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("TortueSandwich", "BlobTrigDelauVoro")
libraryDependencies += "blob" % "quadedgetriangulation_2.13" % "1.+"
Delaunay Triangulation Voronoi diagram Divide and conquer Triangulator Functionnal programming Guibas and Stolfi