v1.0.0 Host Changing, Quiz Suggestion and Customisable Options
Version 1.0.0 2020-05-25
- Options to the options page and page action popout window.
- Option to auto fill a custom default username in the create and join room
forms. - Option to blur out the room code, maybe useful if streaming a private room.
- Options script to handle the changing and saving of the options.
- Options page stylesheet.
- Option to auto fill a custom default username in the create and join room
- Button to suggest a quiz to hosts.
- List of suggestions from other players for hosts to look at.
- Handling of being promoted to a host.
- Handling of being removed as a host.
- Custom context menu for hosts to promote other users to a host.
- Websocket server url changed to toransharma.com/xporcle.
- Leaderboard now includes a wins column, and points ties are decided by wins.
Update pushed out to the Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons and Opera addons