A tool to help track the status of hospital beds.
Check out the demo: https://demo.open-bed-management.tonkworks.com
- username: [email protected]
- password: tonkworks
docker run -p 80:80 tonkworks/open_bed_management
- Create/Edit/Add users in admin oanel
- Create/Edit/Add beds
- Create/Edit/Add Tags
- Create/Edit/Add Statuses
- User Group Management and Assigment (eg. Cleaning Staff, Bed Assignment Control Team, Admin)
- Custom alerting for groups for status changes (eg. e-mail)
- Logging of all updates
- Ability to add notes, room, name, tags to beds
- Bed Status Dashboard and Metrics
- JSON/XML/YAML/CSV API for integration to other systems
docker link: https://hub.docker.com/r/tonkworks/open_bed_management/