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TomeNET 4.9.2

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@mhirki mhirki released this 21 Jul 12:51
· 483 commits to master since this release

More download options are available on the official website:

The music pack needs to be downloaded through the website.

Client-side changes in 4.9.2

  • Official addition of the first graphical tileset, thanks to Svechnik/EvgenjiK! See new guide chapter (2.5b) Graphical tilesets.
  • The '=' menu now has 'g' to manage graphical tilesets, so manually editing config files is no longer needed.
  • POSIX client: A minimal set of X11 "misc" fonts are included with the client. These should get automatically added to X server font path. Thus, the X11 client should work out of the box without needing to install additional fonts. POSIX fonts from Virus, Svechnik and Tangar are also included.
  • Character boni screen, artifact lore screens and monster lore screens now support custom font mappings.
  • Various guide and guide-search improvements, also inscription search heeds lower/upper case now.
  • Windows client: Fixed guide-updating via =U.
  • Windows client: All update/download options (guide/audio packs) changed to support and use https.
  • Some ARM64 compilation fixes.
  • Fixed compilation without SOUND_SDL.
  • Arrow keys, 'home' and 'end' key, can now be used for cursor movement in text input.
  • Macro menu ('%'): Changed 'A' to 'X'. Added 'L', 'A' to load/save class-specific macro files (.prf).
  • Knowledge menu ('~'): Added 'n' to browse all /notes you have received in the past.
  • New subinventory (bag) 'Potion Belt' added. Has 5 slots for potion stacks, exclusively. Can also hold empty bottles.
  • Subinventory (bag) command 'unstow' is now 's' instead of 't', deemed safer. They allow specifying quantities now.
  • Subinventories: Visuals fixed and improved in general. Fixed directional rod checks, all-in-one command ('/' key).
  • Subinventories: Enabled @[] inscriptions (aka 'tags', eg "@q3"). Skips charging/empty magic devices on use attempt if usable tagged ones are also available.
  • Added @% inscription (eg "!F%" on oil flask stack) to skip the item prompt and without asking use this item right away if the command key is pressed. So this is for when you have only 1 inventory slot you want to use for a certain command key.
  • Auto-inscriptions ('&' menu) are now also applied on items in bags. You can restrict an entry to bags only via 'b' toggle. And you can now toggle inscriptions via 't' key to temporarily disable them completely.
  • New option added 'auto_inscr_off' which disables all auto-inscriptions.
  • Renamed option 'auto_inscribe' to 'auto_inscr_server' to reflect that these inscriptions are pre-defined on server-side and not from '&' menu.
  • The option 'auto_inscr_server' does not override auto-inscriptions from '&' menu.
  • New options added for when using custom fonts: 'ascii_feats', 'ascii_items', 'ascii_monsters', 'ascii_uniques' which disable custom mappings for their respective aspect: Floor tiles, item symbols, all monsters, or just for unique monsters.
  • New option 'no_flicker' added that disables most fast-animated colour flickering, in case you are in danger of epileptic fits from lots of stuff flickering on the screen.
  • While browsing The Guide or spoiler files in-game: CTRL+K copies current line to clipboard. CTRL+L pastes current line to chat.
  • Windows: Graphical Tile resizing speed greatly increased (thanks, Mikael).
  • Minimap subterminal window got rid of the empty area to the left of the map, saving space.
  • Character sheet cursor can now also be moved horizontally.
  • Stores can now have/display more than 6 actions.
  • In the Mayor's office you can now look at the current guilds roster with 'G'.
  • Macro Wizard -> 'Common commands and functions' expanded with firing/throwing macros and inscriptions.
  • Macro Wizard -> 'Z' chain together existing macros.
  • POSIX: Missing subterm windows added to .tomenetrc, and will be properly saved now.
  • Chardumps now automatically append '.txt' extension to the filename if it doesn't end on it already.
  • Chardumps now include subinventories.
  • Inscription !Gn will now colour inven slot letter yellow if stack size is below the specified amount, !Wn will colour it orange if at or below the specified amount.
  • The all-in-one ('/') command key can now be used on wielded books and magic devices.
  • The 'Window Fonts and Visibility' menu (=f) now allows changing window titles.

Server-side changes in 4.9.2

  • Fixed various artifact usage turn info (some were slightly off).
  • More low-level monsters can already drop poison potions (for rogues).
  • Town elder advice improvements.
  • No more 'X' marker in player list (was indicating active extermination order).
  • Extermination orders that are low/mid level can sometimes grant consumables instead of weapon/armour.
  • Added 'Gift Wrappings' (available in the General Stores).
  • Mushrooms of Restore STR/CON now cheaper than potion counterparts.
  • Scrolls and spell projections of Blessing/Holy Chant/Prayer reduced from 8/14/20 to 6/10/16. (Spell caster still gets the higher boni.)
  • Holy buffs (blessing, pfe) cease when shape-changing into an evil/undead form except if we were the caster, then they persist. This is done in accordance with D&D lore research >_>.
  • Holy Offense/Curing school slaying boni are disabled while shapechanged to conflicting (evil vs slay-evil, undead vs slay-undead, demon vs slay-demon) monster form.
  • Demonic Strength: No effect when used in GOOD form.
  • (Experimental) Clairvoyance no longer displays filler (wall) grids but only the dungeon layout outlines (passage/room walls).
  • Guardian Spirit and Protection from Evil can now both be active together. MP cost reduced for all of them.
  • Nether Sap spell stops early if out of MP.
  • Charming spells fixed to consume the correct amount of MP.
  • Shadow school: Nightly world surface: Increase running speed, decrease terrain speed impairments (dem ninjas).
  • Shadow school: Level reductions: Darkness 17->16.
  • Shadow school: Shadow Gate MP cost greatly reduced 20->6.
  • Shadow school: Darkness Storm fail rate reduced.
  • Shadow school: Spells added: Retreat, Shadow Stream, Dispersion.
  • Shadow/Mental Intrusion schools: Tier I fear spells affect all adjacent creatures instead of just a single target.
  • Shadow/Psycho-Power schools: Duration of levitation spells increased.
  • Unlife school: Permeation, Nether Sap, Siphon Life, Touch of Hunger, Wraithstep, Subjugation fail rates reduced. Wraithstep MP cost reduced.
  • Unlife school: Touch of Hunger duration extended.
  • Unlife school: Added spell 'Mist of Decay' that prevents intrinsic HP regeneration of enemies.
  • Air/Water schools: Added 'Mirage Mirror' shared spell that grants REFLECTING.
  • Physical Lore: Herbal Tea cost decreased from 20 to 15 MP. Various failure rates reduced.
  • Arcane lore: CotF MP cost reduced. Various failure rates reduced.
  • Wraithstep modified: Short non-wraith duration during which the player must step into a wall. Can now also run into a wall instead of just walking. Gets cancelled automatically on attempts of physical interaction (eg 'walking into' a target to attack it).
  • Fatigue spell causes slowness by means of life force impairment. That means it does not affect certain monsters such as undead or nonliving ones.
  • Wings of Wind: Level reduced from 16 to 15.
  • Tome of Spirits now contains the correct Possess III tier instead of I.
  • Inscriptions renamed: !K to !F, !M to !K, !S to !A, !g to !b.
  • New inscription added: !G prevents stacking of items or allows stacking up to a certain amount.
  • New inscription range: !L now works on all weapons, aiming at throwing weapons specifically.
  • New inscription added: !W to warn you when running low on supplies (eg use on healing potions).
  • New inscription added: !S for bags, to complement !A and !O: Don't auto-stow items bought from stores. Added !A0, !O0, !S0 and !A1, !O1, !S1 variants.
  • New inscription added: !g to force pick_one (if you try to pick up from a pile of this on the floor, you will only pick up one at a time, as if you pressed CTRL+G / CTRL+Z (rogue-like)).
  • Inscription '!+' no longer implies '!v' so it can be used on throwing weapons.
  • Inscription !X (auto-attempt-ID) now accepts an optional parameter 0 (only flavoured items) or 1 (never flavoured items).
  • Deflected shots of a player can no longer hit and thereby wake up sleeping monsters.
  • 'Enchanted' lamp ego now combines infra-vision and searching. Pure 'infra-vision' ego power can no longer spawn for lamps.
  • Demolition charges can be armed to 0s fuse timer for instant blast (!F0).
  • Crickets avoid volcano fumes!
  • Throwing weapons (daggers, axes, spears): Deal more damage; reduce effective target AC for the trow-hit calc (higher throwing weapon weight helps to beat AC, target fleeing in fear halves its effective AC); reduced break chance.
  • If a throwing weapon in inventory and also an equipped one is eligible for a throw, prefer the one from inventory.
  • Fixed rogue-like keymap regarding audio mixer menus, CTRL+X no longer exists in rogue-like audio menu as it is already used for ghost powers and we're out of keys.
  • Anti-undead/-demon effects on players: Now hamper MP instead of HP in case the item is worn on head or hands.
  • Temporary spell indicators added: Yellow 'MB' for melee brand (only one can be active at a time, so one indicator is sufficient); light-green 'HP+' for HP regeneration effects; slate 'Dis' for Dispersion spell; light-blue 'Charm' for any charming spell.
  • Temporary spell indicators: 'Shl' colour now depends on type of magic shield active.
  • Adjusted weights of all weapons, boomerangs, mage staves and shields to be consistent in fantasy-reality (mostly in relation to each other).
  • Rod of Detection: Level and price increased from low to medium, as it makes a bunch of lesser rods obsolete.
  • Weapon suffix-ego 'of Life' buffed: Added flags BLESSED, REGEN, KILL_UNDEAD, ESP_UNDEAD and a random high resistance. They can no longer occur as double-egos with powers 'CHAOTIC' or 'SPECTRAL'.
  • Weapon prefix-ego 'Corrupted' added: Nastily cursed (always HEAVY_CURSE), degree and more adverse effects vary randomly, decreases stats and LIFE, and has some more abilityes. Since these mali will flip due to HEAVY_CURSE, it's the way for vampires/hell knights to gain +LIFE mod on ego weapons.
  • (Experimental): Shamans can access runecraft, except for Mana.
  • DM modules (D&D adventure modules) by Kurzel: Event maps that are up in the form of permanently running events, see /evinfo, quite a challenge! Debut module 'Under Elmoth' (Nan Elmoth, home of dark-elves) allows up to 4 participants but may even be solo'ed if you pull all the strings, have a fitting character and some luck.
  • Blade of Chaos and Infernal Axe can no longer have 'of Life' ego power as it contains BLESSED.
  • Dark Sword and Shadow Blade can no longer have ego powers implying BLESSED flag.
  • Weapon ego power 'Slay Evil' no longer has BLESSED flag.
  • Tunneling: Hacking wood/fibre now applies correct extra power from higher digging tool weight.
  • Players in demonic form take half drowning damage, same as undead.
  • Greater demons have intrinsic chaos resistance (like undead have nether). Consequently, Blood Sacrifice's Bloodthirster form also gets chaos resistance now.
  • Scroll of Artifact Creation no longer gets used up if the actual creation failed.
  • The Mirror: Praying now shows the remaining required XP and Au for rekinging.
  • Stamina ('ST') is now always displayed for all classes, even if they cannot use it for anything.
  • Price of item 'Fur Cloak' greatly reduced.
  • Super low-cost item price rounding fixed so races hated by shopkeepers won't pay double anymore for ammunition for example.
  • Fireworks is usable by IDDC chars without fear of gaining XP for 'use-identifying' the scroll.
  • Martial Arts: First extra attack at 2.000 skill instead of 1.000.
  • Custom fonts: Allow K-lines, for mapping objects in k_info.txt, and U-lines, for mapping unknown flavoured items based on their tval alone.
  • Command '/empty' now allows specifying '+' as item, for 'newest item', eg if you just picked up a flask of oil.
  • QoL: Vampires who can use mist form can pass their house walls without having to explicitely shapechange.
  • Rings of Polymorphing of monster forms sell for much more Au at NPC stores now (magic shop).
  • When inspecting weapons/shooter/ammo, the damage estimates now factor in critical-hit potential (thanks Cass!).
  • Rods now properly recharge while being wielded.
  • Rod of Recall has slightly longer recharge duration.
  • The Long Sword of Angmar has been buffed somewhat.
  • When weak or fainting from hunger, your strength is reduced by 1 or 2 respectively.
  • Price of Scroll of Vermin Control halved.
  • (Experimental) Alchemy Satchel space expanded from 7 slots to 9.
  • Checking your chance to dodge/intercept now shows you two numbers: Vs a monster of the same level as you, and vs a monster of twice your level (caps at level 100).
  • Randart creation: Fire-based light sources can never get WHITE_LIGHT flag (such as Feanorian lamps have).
  • Wands/rods that modify floor features (light, stone-to-mud, trap/door destruction) now allow targetting your own grid by specifying '5' for direction.
  • Maiar start out with a Spell Scroll of Power Bolt I now.
  • Temple and Valarian Temple sell potions of boldness now.
  • It's now possible to relogin from a different IP address/host and override an existing connection.
  • Codices and Spellbooks drop more often.
  • Mining Supply Store max. stock size doubled.
  • Yeeks, Ents, Draconians and Vampires had their height and weight corrected.
  • Drowining/swimming code was completely rewritten. Any wooden items now help. Dragon Scale Mail now has neutral buoyancy (it's the only item type that has this feature).
  • A bag-related dupe bug was fixed (thanks, Clouded!). No more free Stones of Jordan.
  • Shamans got Divination school ratio slightly increased.
  • Istari got Divination and Udun school ratios slightly reduced.
  • Vampire Istari can now use Shadow and Unlife schools (and start with 1.000 in Shadow too, besides in Mana). These are not affected by Sorcery.
  • Blood Magic: Active Shivering Aura at 30+ turns pure cold-damage spells to ice damage type. Active Aura of Death at 40+ turns pure cold- or fire-damage spells to ice and plasma damage respectively.
  • Commands /tag and /untag now also handle subinventories (bags).
  • Subinventories (bags): Now possible to perform all eligible actions on items inside them, mainly recharge, identify, identify, telekinesis.
  • Recharging an item which will become unidentified in the process will trigger any item inscribed !X for an attempt to re-identify the recharged item.
  • Ranger class: Cannot be picked by Vampires. Starts with 1.000 in Nature and with a Spell Scroll of Healing (instead of a mage starter book).
  • Monsters breathing Disintegration will instantly wipe out low- and low-mid-level monsters (below level 40).
  • Ego/Artifact ales have been fixed and work properly now.
  • Mana breath damage cap increased from 250 to 350 (monsters and players).
  • Sprint: Reduced stamina cost from 7 to 6.
  • You can now 'B'ash a non-hostile player to switch places with him. However, it depends on your STR vs the other player's weight whether you succeed. ( ' _` )
  • Command added: /dN to roll one N-sided die quickly. Eg '/d20'.
  • Use the /quit (or /bye, /logout, /exit, /leave) command with any parameter (eg a dot: '/quit .') to quit completely. Otherwise you are going back to the character list screen.
  • Unmakers cannot spawn in the Ironman Deep Dive Challenge or the Halls of Mandos.
  • Runecraft 'Nova' buffed: No longer drains 100% MP.
  • Runecraft 'Shot' bolt count reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Wielded magic devices are always 2-handed.
  • Phial of Galadriel: Level reduced from 20 to 10.
  • All tier I elemental bolt spells had their levels reduced.
  • When a player discovers a new dungeon, there is a public announcement message about it to everyone.
  • IDDC refuges now appear on -350 and -700 instead of -500 (every -1000 ft), now listed in the server rules (~i).
  • The General Store offers more lanterns and many more trapping kits now on average.
  • Again, Mikael managed to fix various buffer overflows and some deeply hidden code issues. The code has never been this polished before. :)