All files in users' projects are stored in Redis by IDE-server. When Redis runs out of memory, there will be eviction and the stored data could be deleted.
To prevent this situation, Project-Backup-Lambda periodically picks out projects that are not recently accessed but have active flags, and then migrates them from Redis to AWS S3.
- AWS EventBridge triggers
Lambda function every 30 minutes. It enqueues the project IDs that should be processed to AWS SQS. - AWS SQS triggers
Lambda function for each message.
- Query
table to select the projects that are not accessed for 10 minutes but have active flags. - For each project queried, send its ID to AWS SQS.
For each project from AWS SQS, the following processes are done:
- Get a file list of the project from Redis.
- Iterating the list, get file contents from Redis, and save the contents onto temporary directory.
- Compress the directory.
- Upload the compressed one to AWS S3.
- Remove the data from Redis.
- Set its flag as inactive.
- Node.js v14
- Python 3.9+
Install serverless framework and a plugin.
$ npm i serverless && sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
Copy a config file and modify it for you.
$ cp configs.yml.example configs.yml
Note: You may have to use private subnets depending on your network configs.
Set SSH tunneling for you to be able to access AWS Elasticache.
AWS Elasticache can only be accessed from the same VPC of it.
$ ssh -i <ssh_pem_key> <EC2_user>@<EC2_IP_address> -f -N -L 6379:<Redis_endpoint>:6379
To run functions, just use python.
$ python
- Configure AWS credentials. Check out here to see how to do that.
- Deploy with serverless:
$ sls deploy