Emission beam geometry of PSR J2007+2722 derived from pulse polarization data - Tjark Miener & Bruce Allen
The repository contains the following files:
- MasterDegreeProjectTjarkMiener.pdf - final thesis (2018)
- MasterDegreeTalkTjarkMiener.pdf - slides from the defence talk (2018)
- chi_squared.c - calculation of chi^2 values RVM (2017)
- chi_squaredBRM.c - calculation of chi^2 values BRM (2018)
- J2007Heatmap.py - displaying the results of chi_squared.c (2017)
- J2007DisplayData.py - displaying the pulse polarization data of PSR J2007+2722 itself (2017)
- J2007ContourplotBRM.py - displaying the results of chi_squaredBRM.c (2018)
If you want to run the programs with the pulse polarization data of PSR J2007+2722, please contact '[email protected]'.