Demo of AWS Cognito based authentication client + server application.
The client triggers authentication of user, and stores user's session. It also performs calls to backend, which is able to verify the token to check if user is authenticated.
There is also authorization example, that checks for existence for a specific group in user's data.
React based SPA.
Simple Node.js "REST" api.
Cognito as Identity and User Pool. It provides authentication via OAUTH 2.0 OpenID Connect.
yarn install
yarn start
It starts the client listening on http://localhost:3000 and the server listening http://localhost:3001
- npm packages installed globally: yarn, netlify-cli (
npm install -g yarn netlify-cli
- amplify initialized
cd frontend && amplify init
(amplify init
is an interactive command)
cd frontend
amplify pull
netlify deploy --prod
netlify deploy --prod
is interactive command. It will ask you for "publish directory" - enter "build";
You can also provide env variables by coping
and providing values there.
- CLI tools:
installed aws confgiure
- docker logged into aws ecr
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
copilot svc deploy --name load-balancer