NBA StatChat is a Next.js web application that displays NBA team/player statistics from 2012-2013 to 2021-22 for regular season/playoff games. There is also a chatbot feature that answers NBA related questions.
- Each player's page contains his statistics in a table and shown in interactive graph made with Chart.js
- Next.js API routes handle interactions with MongoDB and the public APIs
- Web scraped data from using Python & BeautifulSoup and stored in MongoDB
- User authentication is done with NextAuth, sessions, and MongoDB
- Some pages are rendered at request time with getServerSideProps
Users can ask basketball-related questions, and it provides responses based on context retrieved form MongoDB Atlas using MongoDBAtlasSearch
- MongoDB: used to store text embeddings
- LangChain: text splitting, integration with OpenAI, and other utilities
- OpenAI: GPT-3.5 model for generating responses, OpenAIEmbeddings to turn text chunks to embeddings to store in MongoDB Atlas
- Vercel: streaming capabilities
Users can also upload photos or video highlights
- Google Cloud Storage: used to make a bucket to store videos/photos
- Next.js endpoint used to make signed URL for photo/video
- Google Cloud Function: triggered when a file is uploaded to Google Cloud Storage bucket, and sends an email notifying me that a file has been uploaded