I am Immanuel, a third-year computer science student at UBCO, with a passion for learning and contributing to the open-source community. Constantly seeking to improve my coding skills, I actively engage in creating and updating repositories to share knowledge and demonstrate my dedication to programming.
- 💼 Currently an undergraduate UBCO computer science student
- 🌱 Interested in Robotics and AI
- 💡 Passionate about creating innovative solutions and software development
- 🤝 Open for collaborations and exploring new opportunities
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
ThunderIW = {
"code": ["Python", "React", "","HTML", "CSS", "Javascript","circuitPython"],
"tools": ["Makefile", "Nix"],
"skills": ["Web Development","Problem Solving", "Data Structures", "Algorithms","FrontEnd Development"]
- Email - [email protected]
- WarframeFinder - A repository to help you find information about various aspects of the game Warframe.
- C-Projects - A collection of C programming projects demonstrating various concepts and techniques.
- Testy - A testing library for automated unit testing in various programming languages.
"“Life isn’t about making a living, It’s about living your making!”" - Anonymous
Thank you for visiting my GitHub profile! I'm always excited to connect and learn from fellow developers. Feel free to reach out to me through my LinkedIn or email. Let's create something great together! 😊