A blog for Haikus.
Created using: Rails, MySQL, GraphQL, Redis, ActionCable and ReactJS.
Docker and Docker Compose
In order to run this application clone the repository and:
Run docker-compose up
to build the images and start the containers.
Once the containers are running open a new terminal window and:
Run bin/init_db.sh
to initialize the database
Once the database has been initialize the app will now be running on http://localhost:3000
Visit the url, create and account and post some Haikus!
To attach to the rails console run: bin/rails_console.sh
To attach to the app container's bash run: bin/bash_app.sh
To attach to the database container's bash run: bin/bash_db.sh
To run the tests run: bin/run_tests.sh
will start the containers as daemons.
will attach to the app container's output.
will shut down the running containers