A simple client for UBNT's new controller api to perform some basic tasks.
composer require invokatis/unifi
$guzzle = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
'base_uri' => 'https://localhost:8443/',
'cookies' => true,
* @desc Create a Unifi\Client and then login to controller.
$client = new Unifi\Client($guzzle);
$client->login('admin_user', 'secret_pass');
* @desc Get list of connected devices for a site.
$devices = $client->devices('default');
* @desc Get list of connected guests for a site.
$guests = $client->guests('default');
* @desc Authorize a guest MAC address for 10 minutes.
$client->authorize('default', '6f:d7:b9:7f:4e:61', 10);
* @desc Un-authorize a guest MAC address.
$client->unauthorize('default', '6f:d7:b9:7f:4e:61');
* @desc Update WLAN configuration for a site & a provided WLAN ID.
$client->wlanconf('default', 'dd982884edf68487cb8ff664b3dfdf12', [
'name' => 'My New SSID',
* @desc Reboot an access point.
$client->reboot('default', '6f:d7:b9:7f:4e:61');
* @desc You can logout when you are done.
See LICENSE.md file.