In 2016, the Irish national meteorological service (Met Eireann) produced an atmospheric reanalysis: the Met Eireann ReAnalysis, or MERA. The main purpose of this repository is provide tools to browse and manipulate the data from this reanalysis.
We recommend using isolate Python environment to prevent any disruption with exisitng installation. The chosen solution is to use virtual environments. The installation procedure starts from scratch, please skip any step you have already done.
As virtual environment can be reach relatively large sizes (with deep learning library, ~5GB per venv), we recommend to store them in a large enough file system.
Typically, $HOME directories may be too small.
We store the virtual environments in the variable VENVROOT
, here set to /data/trieutord/venvs
Please adjust the path to your account and execute the following commands;
export VENVROOT=/data/trieutord/venvs
After restarting your shell, you will be able to create a new environment with Python 3.11 with the following commands. We suggest merax
(MERA eXplorer) as the environment name.
python3 -m venv $VENVROOT/merax
source $VENVROOT/merax/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
In the directory containing the pyproject.toml
, run
source $VENVROOT/merax/bin/activate
pip install -e .
To activate the environment, use
source $VENVROOT/merax/bin/activate
The prompt should now display (merax)
and which python
must give the path $VENVROOT/merax/bin/python
. The package is only available when the environment is activated.
To deactivate the environment, use
The prompt should be back to normal and the Python interpreter is system default.
The environment must be activated each time you want to use the package. To check the installation:
python tests/
- Edit the YAML file at
to list all the variables you want - Launch
python scripts/ [--fs=FILESYSTEM] [--vars=YAMLFILE]
Once you have identified where is the data your are looking for, you can use the script
to get them.
At the moment, the transfer works only from the reaext* drives.
The script is intended to run on Reaserve and the drive mounted to the host given by
head -2 filesystems/merafiles_reaext0[3-8].txt
For example, with reaext03:
(merax) [trieutord@REAServe2 mera-explorer]$ head -2 filesystems/merafiles_reaext03.txt
Please edit these lines if they are not correct. Then the transfer can be launched. For example, here is the command get all the variables needed in Neural-LAM that are present in reaext03 from the years 1981 to 2017 (included):
python --fs=reaext03 --vars=neurallam.yaml --ruser=trieutord --lrootdir=/data/trieutord/MERA/grib-from-reaext --rdates=1981-01_2017-12 --verbose
Not implemented yet.
For the time being (Jan. 2024) MERA data are scattered in several places: part of it (the most commonly used variables) are stored in HDD read manually by the staff at Met Eireann HQ, another part of it (the less commonly used variables) are stored in the ECFS facility retrieved and read with ECFS tools.
The current code only browse the file systems of the HDD (exported in the reaext/*.txt
) and the list of variables provided by the document describing MERA.
To get access to the data (after you checked if it is there with this code), ask Eoin Whelan ([email protected]) or Emily Gleeson ([email protected]).
All rights reserved. Met Éireann 2024.