👋 Hello There!
- I am Thomas Hein Thura. I Live in Yangon, Myanmar, which is in Asia.
- 👀 I’m interested in Programming and Deep Learning. I am also Linux Enthusiast.
- 🌱 I’m currently doing projects on AI, Python, C++ and Tensorflow through Linux systems.
- 📫 You can reach me through Gmail - [email protected] or [email protected]
- ETL and CI/CD pipeline fraud detection website (ongoing)
- test_CI_CD (ongoing)
- UW-Madison-GI-Tract(ongoing)
- brain tumor detection(ongoing)
- Insurance_company_premium(finish) - clean code is needed
- Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection(finish) - clean code and test on another dataset
- Tensorflow 12 projects(finish) - clean code is needed
- Tensorflow functions(finish) - full cleaning of the code is needed.
- Conkyrc(finish)
- Kaggle competition on Parkinson’s Freezing of Gait Prediction(finish) - clean code from Kaggle competition and upload it to GitHub
- personal-Linux-config - backup from the laptop is needed
- Personal website (ETL pipeline is under construction) (text summarization model is integrated into a website)