This repository contains my solutions to the ROP Emporium CTF series, focusing on the x86-64
challenges. ROP Emporium is a Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge series that revolves around exploiting buffer overflows using Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) and other binary exploitation techniques. These challenges helped me sharpen my skills in debugging, reverse engineering, and exploit development.
- Contains my solutions to all 8 challenges in one script.
- A scratch file used for testing file loading/searching, specifically used in the "pivot" challenge.
- A separate solution to the "callme" challenge. It's functionally the same as my solution but written to address an issue I encountered with a filename collision in the "encrypted_flag.dat" file.
- exploitOutput.txt: output from terminal of the script running. Also shown at the end of this readme.
- ropemporium-zips: The collection of rop emporium zip files this script runs against. Inlcuded incase the challenges are changed in the future.
For each challenge, I began with static analysis using tools like readelf, objdump, and ropper. I would also use ltrace or strace to gather initial information, though I often switched to dynamic analysis in GDB for more in-depth debugging.
My general workflow for solving each challenge was as follows:
- Run the binary normally to understand its basic functionality.
- Test the overflow.
- Perform static analysis using readelf, objdump, radare2, and ropper in parallel to find useful ROP gadgets and functions. Radare2 was mostly used to check protections, I preferred objdump for disassembly.
- Craft the exploit using gdb-gef to dynamically test and debug the solution.
- Debug and refine the exploit, often focusing on the Stack as well as the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) and Global Offset Table (GOT) for resolving function addresses.
I specifically chose to code all solutions in one script to experiment with features of pwntools—these experimental tests are not included in the final solution.
A lot of the difficulties faced were minor on my end, except for fluff
. When I say "minor" I mean that no singular issue took me more then 2 hours to fix. Each challenge was introducing a new concept, some harder than others. My challenges weren't always in the concept itself, but often in the construction or in a secondary factor. For example the movaps
issue that I encountered. I understood how the overwrite on the base pointer worked, but I didn't understand 16 byte stack alignment at all. So the difficulty for ret2win
for me was in the movaps issue, not the rbp
overwrite. Learning how to utilize ropper
, and practicing with objdump
was a hurdle but nothing difficult. All in all I think every challenge had both an "intended" challenge and a secondary unintended challenge for me. For example in badchars
dealing with banned characters was the intended challenge and as a secondary challenge I had to also figure out how I was going to automate this. The secondary challenge in this instance was harder than the "main" challenge.
As a special note on ropper
: ropper has a functionality where it will attempt to automatically construct a rop-chain for you given the binary given. I specifically avoided using this feature as it felt like it would be "using a calculator before I understood multiplication." I assumed I would be cheating myself from learning something valuable. In hindsight I'm incredibly glad I did as I really enjoyed constructing these chains myself and learning how they work. While reflecting I do have a new question: Would ropper have found bextr -> xlatb -> stosb
and I think I'm going to go test that later.
test results: ropper finds the stack pivot chain in pivot
but does not have x86-64 support for rop chain generation.
Challenge 1: ret2win: This challenge introduces stack overwriting. The solution involved overwriting the stack base pointer with the address of
to redirect execution. The most difficult part was understanding stack alignment and themovaps
issue. This was also my first time working with thepwntools
library and automating tests. -
Challenge 2: split: This challenge required constructing a ROP chain, not just a simple return. I used
for the first time, which allowed me to find useful gadgets and build the chain. The challenge was fairly straightforward once I got familiar with the tools. As my first real introduction into rop chains I had to learn about very basic concepts like padding and endian. An address that might be0x400600
would have to be padded to0x0000000000400600
. Endianness is also important, most vs least significant byte first.p64()
from pwnlib does the padding and endian work for me. -
Challenge 3: callme: This challenge was what pushed me to grab GDB Enhanced Features
for stronger debugging features as well as the GUI. A lot of time was saved seeing the output of all the registers and stack immediately after after instruction step instead of having to manually examine each register, the stack, etc. I HIGHLY recommend it. While writing this writeup and rerunning my solutions I found a curious fact; callme shares a filename with ret2csu (the 8th challenge) calledencrypted_flag.dat
these files are different and you can only have 1 "active" at a time. My script that attempts to solve all 8 challenges will not return the flag of the other challenge. To get around this I couldimport zipfile
and unzip the archives before I run each to ensure smooth operation, but this was determined to be out of scope. I have other projects that need to be completed and I would rather move on. -
Challenge 4: write4: This challenge taught me a new technique for arbitrary memory writes, which was interesting and fun to explore. There was some trial and error in determining where exactly to write to. I think this entire challenge took me less time than any other challenge in this set.
Challenge 5: badchars: This challenge involved a lot of trial and error, as well as refreshing my knowledge on binary operations. While I knew the general approach for solving it, getting there took a considerable amount of time and a few pieces of paper. I wrote out the binary operations on paper for modifying my rop chain and my intended payload before I coded them. This challenge felt a lot more tedious than difficult.
Challenge 6: fluff: This challenge gave me the most trouble. I had a good understanding of how the three assembly instructions worked to create the write function, but understanding them well enough to use them in my ROP chain took over a day of research and a lot of trial and error. Here's the chain in particular:
. I had never seen any of these instructions before and I had to research each individually. They're all apart ofquestionableGadgets
present in the binary so I knew they had to go together somehow. I started from the end withstosb
, an instruction that writesal
. Okay so I have a write, can I modifyal
? Yes, withxlatb
, but that wasn't obvious to me at the start. I ended up having to do a lot of research here on the last 2 instructions.xlatb
works by "locates a byte entry in a table in memory, using the contents of the AL register as a table index, then copies the contents of the table entry back into the AL register". The line I didn't digest properly from the manual on my first read was "In 64-bit mode, operation is similar to that in legacy or compatibility mode. AL is used to specify the table index (the operand size is fixed at 8 bits). RBX, however, is used to specify the table’s base address." In partiuclar that means that xlatb translates intoal, [rbx+al]
. Modifying rbx was a lot more difficult, as I had to usebextr
, short for bit field extract. The chain waspop rdx | pop rcx | add rcx, 0x3ef2, | bextr rbx, rcx, rdx | ret
. Bextr works by extracting a sequence of bits from one address and putting them into another. Stack Overflow Explanation+picture. As a secondary challenge I had to go find the location of the bytes I wanted to write present in the binary, find their offsets, and add that to the entry point of the binary for bextr. -
Challenge 7: pivot: The solution wasn't as simple as just throwing the new stack location onto the stack(Yes, I tried that thinking it would work for some reason). The key was setting the stack pointer to the new location. I also spent some time trying different ways to read the location from the terminal in order to grab it and include it in the ROP chain. The file
is the scratch file I used to look at loading and searching a file. This was fairly straightforward, set the new stack location and throw -
Challenge 8: ret2csu: After watching the related Black Hat talk 2-3 times, I found this challenge to be fairly straightforward. It shares a filename with callme that can break this challenge if you have the wrong one unzipped. I found this one to be fairly straightforward and easy after reading the paper.
Notice the flag from callme
doesn't return. Also notice that callme is still being run as gdb.debug("./callme")
instead of process("./callme")
because I forgot to swap it back after hunting down that source of the faliure?
[x] Starting local process './ret2win'
[+] Starting local process './ret2win': pid 5024
Payload in hex: 4141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414170074000000000005607400000000000
Payload in ASCII: b'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAp\x07@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00V\x07@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[x] Receiving all data: 296B
[x] Receiving all data: 329B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (329B)
[*] Process './ret2win' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 5024)
ret2win by ROP Emporium
For my first trick, I will attempt to fit 56 bytes of user input into 32 bytes of stack buffer!
What could possibly go wrong?
You there, may I have your input please? And don't worry about null bytes, we're using read()!
> Thank you!
Well done! Here's your flag:
[x] Starting local process './split'
[+] Starting local process './split': pid 5027
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[x] Receiving all data: 87B
[x] Receiving all data: 120B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (120B)
[*] Stopped process './split' (pid 5027)
split by ROP Emporium
Contriving a reason to ask user for data...
> Thank you!
[x] Starting local process '/usr/bin/gdbserver'
[+] Starting local process '/usr/bin/gdbserver': pid 5030
[*] running in new terminal: ['/usr/bin/gdb', '-q', './callme', '-x', '/tmp/pwnlib-gdbscript-m1vphqyz.gdb']
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[x] Receiving all data: 79B
[x] Receiving all data: 171B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (171B)
[*] Process '/usr/bin/gdbserver' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 5033)
b'callme by ROP Emporium\nx86_64\n\nHope you read the instructions...\n\n> Thank you!\ncallme_one() called correctly\ncallme_two() called correctly\nAi\xca\n\nChild exited with status 0\n'
[x] Starting local process './write4'
[+] Starting local process './write4': pid 5073
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[x] Receiving all data: 118B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (118B)
[*] Stopped process './write4' (pid 5073)
write4 by ROP Emporium
Go ahead and give me the input already!
> Thank you!
[x] Starting local process './badchars'
[+] Starting local process './badchars': pid 5074
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[x] Receiving all data: 112B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (112B)
[*] Stopped process './badchars' (pid 5074)
badchars by ROP Emporium
badchars are: 'x', 'g', 'a', '.'
> Thank you!
[x] Starting local process './fluff'
[+] Starting local process './fluff': pid 5075
f -> Offset:0x3c4 || Actual -> 0x4003c4
l -> Offset:0x239 || Actual -> 0x400239
a -> Offset:0x3d6 || Actual -> 0x4003d6
g -> Offset:0x3cf || Actual -> 0x4003cf
. -> Offset:0x24e || Actual -> 0x40024e
t -> Offset:0x192 || Actual -> 0x400192
x -> Offset:0x246 || Actual -> 0x400246
t -> Offset:0x192 || Actual -> 0x400192
['0x4003c4', '0x400239', '0x4003d6', '0x4003cf', '0x40024e', '0x400192', '0x400246', '0x400192']
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[x] Receiving all data: 148B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (148B)
[*] Stopped process './fluff' (pid 5075)
fluff by ROP Emporium
You know changing these strings means I have to rewrite my solutions...
> Thank you!
[x] Starting local process './pivot'
[+] Starting local process './pivot': pid 5076
pivot by ROP Emporium
Call ret2win() from libpivot
The Old Gods kindly bestow upon you a place to pivot: 0x7f6c90dfff10
Send a ROP chain now and it will land there
Heap address found: 0x7f6c90dfff10
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 47B
[*] Process './pivot' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 5076)
[x] Receiving all data: 173B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (173B)
Thank you!
Now please send your stack smash
> Thank you!
foothold_function(): Check out my .got.plt entry to gain a foothold into libpivot
[x] Starting local process './ret2csu'
[+] Starting local process './ret2csu': pid 5077
[x] Receiving all data
[x] Receiving all data: 0B
[*] Process './ret2csu' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 5077)
[x] Receiving all data: 184B
[+] Receiving all data: Done (184B)
ret2csu by ROP Emporium
Check out for information on how to solve this challenge.
> Thank you!