Lets you manage PHP daemons using start-stop-daemon.
PHP-Daemon-Manager is written in PHP and has been tested on Debian 7 32bit.
It requires the following services:
php5-common php5-cli
Open your shell and download the setup file using
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheTimmaeh/PHP-Daemon-Manager/master/setup
Execute setup with
bash setup
and follow the instructions.
The setup will install all the neccessary services and create all directories and files including a sample daemon. It will also set up the checking cronjob.
To control the daemons you can either use the daemons.ini or control the daemons by shell commands.
daemons.ini: Create a section for the daemon and add the attribute
enabled = 1
to control the daemon with the checking cronjob.
enabled = 1 starts the daemon
enabled = 0 stops the daemon
Shell commands: To control the daemon by shell commands, use
service mydaemon [start|stop|status|restart]
Remember: You can't do both. An enabled = 1 will always start the deamon, even when stopped by shell command.