Thanks for reading! This chat program is meant to be a simple, readable demonstration of how to communicate with Veilid. A real chat program would not look like this:
- A lot of code is duplicated. This was on purpose so that each function would be readable and understandable without having to trace through lots of helper functions.
- The user interface is too simple. If you're halfway through typing a message when your app receives one from the other party, the inbound message will make a mess of your screen.
- The messaging flow is too simple. If you send messages faster than the other party can receive them, some of your messages old will get overwritten by new ones.
- Users have to trade their public keys, and even the chat's DHT key, through another channel like SMS.
But then, the major portions of a real app wouldn't fit on a single screen. This demo just shows how all the moving parts fit together. Your challenge is to take them and build something better!
- Install poetry if you haven't already.
- Run
poetry install
First, run veilid-server
. If you don't have Veilid installed and don't know how to run veilid-server
, refer to the installing guide.
This demo tries to connect to localhost port 5959 by default. You can override that with the --host
and --port
Create your cryptographic keypair:
$ poetry run chat keygen
Your new public key is: d3aDb3ef
Share it with your friends!
This writes your new private key to the local keystore. Do not store your local keys to other files, they are not encrypted!
Copy the public key and send it to a friend you want to chat with. Have your friend do the same.
Now, add your friend's public key to your keyring:
$ poetry run chat add-friend MyFriend L0nGkEyStR1ng
To start a chat with that friend:
$ poetry run chat start MyFriend
New chat key: VLD0:abcd1234
Give that to your friend!
Copy that chat key and send it to your chat partner. They can respond to your chat:
$ poetry run chat respond CoolBuddy VLD0:abcd1234
Now you can send simple text messages back and forth. Your messages are encrypted and transmitted through a distributed hash table (DHT), passed through an open-source, peer-to-peer, mobile-first networked application framework. Neat!
Remember that this simplified program can only receive a message when it's not waiting for you to enter one.
Here's how the program generates keys, uses the Diffie-Hellman (DH) algorithm to calculate shared keys, reads from and writes to the DHT, and uses encryption with nonces to secure messages in the public network.
# Parties involved:
actor Alice
participant Va as Alice's Veilid
participant Magic
participant Vb as Bob's Veilid
actor Bob
Note over Alice,Bob: Alice and Bob generate keypairs.
Alice ->> Va: Generate key
Va ->> Alice: keypair
Bob ->> Vb: Generate key
Vb ->> Bob: keypair
Note over Alice,Bob: Alice and Bob send their public keys to each other.
Alice -->> Bob: Alice's pubkey (out-of-band)
Bob -->> Alice: Bob's pubkey (out-of-band)
Note over Alice,Va: Alice starts a chat by<br/>getting a shared secret.
Alice ->> Va: cached_dh()<br>(Bob's pubkey, Alice's secret key)
Va ->> Alice: secret
Note over Alice,Va: Alice creates a DHT record.
Alice ->> Va: Create DHT record
Va ->> Alice: DHT key
Note over Alice,Bob: Alice sends the DHT record's key to Bob.
Alice -->> Bob: DHT key (out-of-band)
Note over Bob,Vb: Bob creates a shared secret.<br/>It will be the same as Alice's.
Bob ->> Vb: cached_dh()<br>(Alice's pubkey, Bob's secret key)
Vb ->> Bob: secret
loop Until done
Note over Alice,Bob: Alice sends a message to Bob.
Note over Alice,Va: First, she creates a random nonce.<br/>This is done for each message.
Alice ->> Va: random_nonce()
Va ->> Alice: nonce
Note over Alice,Va: Then she encrypts the message with<br/>the shared key and the nonce.
Alice ->> Va: encrypt("Message", secret, nonce)
Va ->> Alice: ciphertext
Note over Alice,Va: Alice updates the DHT record's "0" subkey<br/>with the nonce plus the encrypted text.
Alice ->> Va: set_dht_value(0, nonce+ciphertext)
Note over Va,Vb: Veilid magic happens!
Va ->> Magic: Updated DHT key
Magic ->> Vb: Updated DHT key
Note over Bob,Vb: Meanwhile, Bob is polling the DHT key's "0"<br/>subkey, waiting for a message to appear.
Bob ->> Vb: get_dht_value(0)
Vb ->> Bob: nonce+ciphertext
Note over Bob,Vb: Bob decrypts Alice's encrypted message<br/>with the shared secret and the nonce<br/>that was send with the ciphertext.
Bob ->> Vb: decrypt(ciphertext, secret, nonce)
Vb->> Bob: "Message"
Note over Alice,Bob: Bob replies to Alice with a similar process.
Note over Bob,Vb: First, he asks for a random nonce.<br/>Again, he uses a different nonce each time!
Bob ->> Vb: random_nonce()
Vb ->> Bob: nonce
Note over Bob,Vb: Bob encrypt's his reply with<br/>the shared secret and nonce.
Bob ->> Vb: encrypt("Reply", secret, nonce)
Vb ->> Bob: ciphertext
Note over Bob,Vb: Although Bob reads from subkey 0,<br/>he writes to subkey 1.
Bob ->> Vb: set_dht_value(1, nonce+ciphertext)
Note over Va,Vb: More Veilid magic!
Vb ->> Magic: Updated DHT key
Magic ->> Va: Updated DHT key
Note over Alice,Va: Alice is polling subkey 1 for Alice's<br/>encrypted response.
Alice ->> Va: get_dht_value(1)
Va ->> Alice: nonce+ciphertext
Note over Alice,Va: Alice decrypts Bob's encrypted reply<br/>with the shared secret and the<br/>nonce accompanying the message.
Alice ->> Va: decrypt(ciphertext, secret, nonce)
Va ->> Alice: "Reply"
Note over Alice,Bob: ...and the repeat until one of them closes the chat.