Authors: Ryan Majd & Maulik Durani
Emails: [email protected] & [email protected]
This repository contains the implementation of Algoithms covered in-class in Java. The project is part of the CS2720 (Data Structures) course, taught by Dr. Jin Lu.
Located in the programming-assignment-4-report.pdf
To compile the Java program, you can use the following command:
java -cp bin src/cs2720/p4/ resources/"fileName.txt"
Where fileName.txt
refers to whichever input file you choose!
Additionally, you can also use the provided
script for compilation and running.
Keep in mind that automatically uses the random.txt
from the resources folder
To compile the Java program, you can use the following command:
java -cp bin src/cs2720/p4/
When run, the program asks for the number of input size and simulates everything needed in the table for report question 2 as well as the amount for the n number of size. Input is a random number between (0,9999) inclusive.
Make sure to have the necessary Java environment set up on your machine.
selection-sort (s)
merge-sort (m)
heap-sort (h)
quick-sort-fp (q)
quick-sort-rp (r)
Ryan Majd: Implemented scafolded template of the program, the second half of the report, Algo-efficiency Graph,
Maulik Durani: Implemented the Algorithms structure,
and completed first half of the report.