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Releases: TheRealDjmr/BG3ImprovedUI

Minimap changes

12 Aug 19:46
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  • Added two optional files as alternatives for the current Minimap - one that reduces the size to 75% by moving a few things around (I made similar changes 18 months ago) and a version with no Minimap at all, leaving the buttons behind.
    ImprovedUI smaller minimapImprovedUI no minimap
  • Tweaked the "Show all items" optional, the items still show when outside of Player UI (game menu/dialogue/map). Because they use the same functionality as tooltips, they clear when you hover over any button or show any tooltip.
  • Added installation instructions within the main file to assist with the install process.

Patch 0 hotfix 3 update

11 Aug 21:05
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Not much has changed on the UI front in the latest hotfix, but I've still been working away on a few things:

  • Changed Dragonborn Sorcerer Draconic Ancestry to allow for additional scale types.
  • Fixed an issue with Eye/Scale colours causing the tabs to return to the general appearance tab.
  • I've spent a lot of time trying to get additional passive appearances (similar to Draconic Sorcerer scales) to work for other classes, but looks like it's been hardcoded. For the overenthusiastic modder, the Draconic Appearance tab has been added to all classes/races, just under the last appearance option for keyboard users.
  • I've also split the mod into different optional files, similar to the smaller minimap option. The optional files just need to be added into your mods folder, and won't need to be installed via a mod manager. BG3 mod manager will mark them as overrides:
    I should be able to re-do the smaller minimap changes, and it's next on my list.

Patch 0 hotfix 2 update

09 Aug 08:43
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Previous version works just fine, I've just taken some time away from act 2 to make a few tweaks.

  • Removed Minimap changes as Larian have removed the version number themselves.
  • Added edit appearance option for all Origin characters in Character Creation.
  • Removed appearance tab restrictions allowing for modded slot use (ex: Origin Hairstyles, Humans with tails)
  • Keyboard-only tweaks: Switched "Expand Tooltip" (highlighting all interactables, default left ALT key) from a toggle to a press. This gets disabled by pressing the key again, or switching to a different UI screen, such as the map or pause screen. (Credit: Violet-Vibes)
    Here's an appropriate before/after:
  • Keyboard-only tweaks: Hides the bottom-left buttons when in dialogue with companions and NPCs where Attack/Trade are not relevant. Can still be accessed by placing your mouse in the bottom-left area. This cleans up the UI when experiencing intimate scenes. (Credit: Wesslen)

Patch 0 hotfix 1 update

04 Aug 19:43
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Larian have already made UI changes, so I've responded

  • Removed Dialogue changes as Larian have removed the version number from dialogue themselves
  • Fixed an issue with accessing controller options in-game

Full Release and controller UI support

04 Aug 10:08
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  • Added Controller support for modded action resource icons and removed version text
  • Removed photo mode option as the feature has been added by Larian (F10 by default)
  • Added Feat option in CC for whoever can add Feats at Level 1 (tip - allowimprovement doesn't work)


A quick release version

03 Aug 21:42
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I'm still looking into deity/feats/other UI stuff, this is just for anyone who can't wait.

Got rid of the new "working story" message that appears with modding the game, and could not be closed during cinematics.

Added picture mode for character creation, ingame and dialogue. Removed version text from dialogue. Picture mode image isn't showing currently.

Re-added a generic class icon and action resource icons for mods that will use them.


Holiday pinging

26 Dec 09:31
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Larian decided to drop Hotfix 30 whilst I was shopping for last-minute presents. The previous version still worked just fine, but an update is required to include the minimap ping fix.



Patch 9

17 Dec 16:47
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Patch 9 made a lot of UI changes, which means a lot of changes were required to fix ImprovedUI.

  • Fixed crashing in inventory screen and other screens/menus not working due to changes.
  • Fixed unable to close "Load Game".
  • Fleshed out the appearance option in Origin menu.
  • Added Photo mode to Oathbreaker screen (there isn't any other class options added to this screen, so we can only respec by options outside of character creation).
  • Added class icons taken out of patch 9 in case custom classes/subclasses want to use them.
  • Removed EA text below minimap.


Patch 8 Hotfix 3 (and 4... and 5)

23 Jul 18:07
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Larian decided to release hotfix 26 whilst I was out travelling. Whilst a lot of UI fixes have been made, none of them overlapped this mod - just a small change outside of the listed fixes was required

Patch8hf3 changes

Also, hotfix 4+5 don't make any GUI changes - no new version required

Patch 8

07 Jul 22:23
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Quick fix for Patch 8

I haven't implemented any minimap changes, there are quest directions now visible and I had a longer-term goal in mind.