Releases: TheRealDjmr/BG3ImprovedUI
Hotfix 15 Controller Update
Hotfix dropping at 10am isn't ideal! Hopefully it doesn't happen to a larger patch that actually breaks things.
There's been a lot of code-behind changes to the UI, rather than the front-facing files ImprovedUI amends, so there's that at least. This update ensures parity with the controller inventory changes that are not fully covered in the patch notes:
Edit3: ImprovedUI Assets update - Added support for more icons
Re-added generic hotbar icon to summons
Added keyboard image to controller hotbar icon when >5 of a resource
Holiday skills update
Santa has come early to drop off a mod update...
ImprovedUI Showallitems is now Improved World Tooltips - official combination with the previous mod "Enhanced World Tooltips"
- Restructured to update Level up screens in the core file
- Added access to Racial and Class skills within level up screens
ImprovedUI Assets
- More assets implemented
- Fixed an issue with action resources not showing when given on level up
Edit - Minor fixes to Blood Hunter class icon and Ability tab on level up
Edit2 - Minor fix to Stackable Items on controller
Edit3 - More icons for ImprovedUI Assets
Patch 5 waypoints fix
This'll probably get fixed by Larian soon, but I got fed up of looking at it so I decided to fix the waypoints:
It used to add an extra margin for each subsection too, made no sense to me. It might be out by a pixel or two, but by measuring the squares in the background it's straight enough for me.
I'm trying not to make a habit out of this.
Patch 5 initial release
Patch 5 has dropped, and an update is needed to access the new honour/custom mode screens.
Portraits have been updated in patch 5, and an update to ImprovedUI Assets would be required:
Same for the new camp management option:
ImprovedUI Dialogue/Minimap/Showallitems do not require an update.
There's still some oddities I haven't had time to go over just yet, like this wonky grouped map waypoints (not me but should be a quick fix):
Showing all the items, (almost) all the time
ImprovedUI Showallitems
Showallitems has been pretty "meh" for a long time, since showing any tooltip effectively wipes the available world items list. We've solved this:
- Spyglass icon in the bottom left indicates if the "Show All Items" functionality is toggled or not.
- When hovering over a container or tooltip, the world items list is emptied. When placing the mouse/controller away from the container/tooltip, the world items list is now repopulated.
- When there are no world items nearby, the Spyglass icon fades and will repopulate the world items list again when you approach a world item (checks every second).
- Dialogue and other UI screens will retain the "Show All Items" toggle once returned to the world.
- Toggle is still required when switching instances such as region changes and loading saves.
- Character Creation Layout tweaks: Adds full Facial Hair Colour selection
- CC/Level up Layout tweaks: Changes equipment selection to turn into a scroll option when enough modded options are added
- CC/Level up Layout tweaks: Adds passive and spell selection to Races (previously limited to Class only) (Credit: TrumanHarp)
ImprovedUI Assets
- Fixed an issue with the flame icon not showing for equipped torches.
- More icons supported
Patch 4 hotfix 1 support
Looks like Larian got a hotfix out that replaced the work I did yesterday, but compared to my changes there's still a few bits missing, so I've combined the two.
ImprovedUI Assets
Patch 4 Controller UI - Fixed missing appearance options
Patch 4 has had a few issues, so I've decided to fix one of them. Controller users, you may have noticed that UI options have gone missing, so I added them in. This should get fixed by Larian, but for now I've added additional sliders and all colour options.
Patch 4 initial release
Patch 4 has just come out, and there were many UI changes contained in the patch notes
There's a few issues going around, here's my experience:
- On an unmodded save, it's taking me a minute to leave Magic Mirror. It does work eventually, and some of the UI elements freeze in place when this happens. It's not something that ImprovedUI could fix/solve:
- There's an issue with Mod Fixer where the kiss scene causes you to cut out of dialogue completely. For setups where no mods are added to your active list this works fine, here's ImprovedUI and ImprovedUI Dialogue:
ImprovedUI Assets
Small fixes, bigger things
- Magic Mirror: Made Voice selection available to everyone. This was changed in hotfix 9 for parity when Hirelings were added to Magic Mirror.
- CC: Restored "Return to Main Menu" option (this required creating a custom UI just for this functionality)
ImprovedUI Assets
More icons supported
Edit: More icons added
Renaming in Magic Mirror, new Origin layout, no CC tutorial popup, new Hireling layout
Edit - Fixed duplicate voice in Magic Mirror
Edit2 - Updated ImprovedUI Assets
Hotfix 9 includes a small change to the Magic Mirror screen, I've included the changes in ImprovedUI so you can now rename:
If you are a regular visitor of character creation like me, you'll notice a few things have changed. I've redesigned this screen to provide better support for modding options, and stop the Origin characters area moving when switching between Custom or Preset. For modded options, mouse wheel only works if you're not selecting an Origin.
I've also stopped this pop-up from coming up - been waiting very patiently for someone to request its removal.
Finally, the Hireling screen has been redesigned in line with the changes to Origin, making more use out of the dead space and better support for modding options. This one I'm using for demonstration purposes has some interesting alternative companions:
ImprovedUI Assets
- Fixed an issue where too many icons were pulling through for Controller
- Increased priority and worked with other modders to reduce conflicts
- Added more icons