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juliansader authored Jul 17, 2016
1 parent ea6cb0a commit 8e2229f
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Showing 2 changed files with 156 additions and 6 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* HINT: The following two scripts are useful for setting up the track names of MIDI files:
* "X-Raym_Rename tracks with first VSTi and its preset name.lua"
* "spk77_Rename tracks after first program change (for General MIDI).eel"
* "spk77_Rename MIDI tracks.eel"
* Instructions:
* Screenshot:
Expand All @@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
* Licence: GPL v3
* Forum Thread:
* Forum Thread URL:
* Version: 1.0
* Version: 1.1
* REAPER: 5.20
* Extensions:
Expand All @@ -30,6 +29,8 @@
* v1.0
+ Initial Release
* v1.1 (2016-07-15)
+ Audio send to parent track will also be removed if "Remove audio sends" is selected

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,15 +90,16 @@ until gotUserInputs == true
-- Iterate through all selected tracks
chan = startChan
for trackIndex = 0, numSelTracks-1 do
selTrack = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, trackIndex);
selTrack = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, trackIndex)

-- Iterate through all internal track sends
for sendIndex = 0, reaper.GetTrackNumSends(selTrack, 0)-1 do
MIDIflags = reaper.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(selTrack, 0, sendIndex, "I_MIDIFLAGS")
-- I_MIDIFLAGS : returns int *, low 5 bits=source channel 0=all, 1-16,
-- next 5 bits=dest channel, 0=orig, 1-16=chan
-- 4294966303 = b11111111111111111111110000011111
MIDIflags = (MIDIflags & 4294966303)
-- The following sets orig (bits 1-5) to "all" and inserts channel into bits 6-10.
-- 0xFFFFFC00 = b1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000
MIDIflags = (MIDIflags & 0xFFFFFC00)
MIDIflags = MIDIflags | (chan << 5)
-- SetTrackSendInfo_Value(MediaTrack tr, int category, int sendidx, "parmname", newvalue)
-- category is <0 for receives, 0=sends, >0 for hardware outputs
Expand All @@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ for trackIndex = 0, numSelTracks-1 do
-- Remove audio sends (I_SRCCHAN : -1 for none)
if removeAudio == "y" or removeAudio == "Y" then
reaper.SetTrackSendInfo_Value(selTrack, 0, sendIndex, "I_SRCCHAN", -1)
reaper.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value(selTrack, "B_MAINSEND", 0)

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
* ReaScript Name: js_Set MIDI send channel of selected tracks to channel of existing MIDI events in track.lua
* Description: Sets MIDI send channel of selected tracks to channel of existing MIDI events in track.
* Particularly useful when opening large MIDI files, to ensure that each track's MIDI is 1) sent to a
* single channel, and 2) sent to a different channel than other tracks' MIDI.
* If the existing MIDI events in the track use more than one channel, the track's send channel
* will be set to the channel of the first event in the track.
* The script starts with a dialog box in which the user can select whether to remove audio sends
* from the selected tracks, which makes the routing matrix easier to read.
* HINT: The following two scripts are useful for setting up the track names of MIDI files:
* "X-Raym_Rename tracks with first VSTi and its preset name.lua"
* "spk77_Rename tracks after first program change (for General MIDI).eel"
* Instructions:
* Screenshot:
* Notes:
* Category:
* Author: juliansader
* Licence: GPL v3
* Forum Thread:
* Forum Thread URL:,
* Version: 1.0
* REAPER: 5.20
* Extensions:

* v1.0 (2016-07-15)
+ Initial Release

-- Settings that the user can customize

-- End of USER AREA

function setTrackChannel(track, channel)
-- WARNING: This function uses channel numbers 1-16, NOT 0-15, since REAPER's own functions for
-- setting track channels use this range.

-- Note:
-- MIDI hardware cannot be accessed via GetTrackNumSends(selTrack, 1)!
-- 1) Do MIDI hardware output not count as "hardware outputs"?
-- 2) Does REAPER only allow a single MIDI hardware output?

if type(channel) ~= "number" or channel%1 ~= 0 or channel < 1 or channel > 16 then return end

-- Iterate through all internal track sends
for sendIndex = 0, reaper.GetTrackNumSends(track, 0) - 1 do
MIDIflags = reaper.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(track, 0, sendIndex, "I_MIDIFLAGS")
-- I_MIDIFLAGS : returns int *, low 5 bits=source channel 0=all, 1-16,
-- next 5 bits=dest channel, 0=orig, 1-16=chan.
-- The following sets orig (bits 1-5) to "all" and inserts channel into bits 6-10.
-- 0xFFFFFC00 = b1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000
MIDIflags = (MIDIflags & 0xFFFFFC00)
MIDIflags = MIDIflags | (channel << 5)
-- SetTrackSendInfo_Value(MediaTrack tr, int category, int sendidx, "parmname", newvalue)
-- category is <0 for receives, 0=sends, >0 for hardware outputs
reaper.SetTrackSendInfo_Value(track, 0, sendIndex, "I_MIDIFLAGS", MIDIflags)

-- Remove audio sends (I_SRCCHAN : -1 for none)
if removeAudio == "y" or removeAudio == "Y" then
reaper.SetTrackSendInfo_Value(track, 0, sendIndex, "I_SRCCHAN", -1)
reaper.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "B_MAINSEND", 0)

-- Set MIDI hardware output channel
MIDIflags = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_MIDIHWOUT")
-- I_MIDIHWOUT : int * : track midi hardware output index (<0 for disabled,
-- low 5 bits are which channels (0=all, 1-16),
-- next 5 bits are output device index (0-31))
-- 0xFFFFFFE0 = b1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 0000
MIDIflags = MIDIflags & 4294967264
MIDIflags = MIDIflags | channel
reaper.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_MIDIHWOUT", MIDIflags)

end -- function setTrackChannel

-- Here the code execution starts
-- function main()

-- Is there anything to do?
if reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0) == 0
then return(0)

-- Get user inputs

-- Repeat until we get usable inputs
OKorCancel, removeAudio = reaper.GetUserInputs("Set MIDI send channels",
"Remove audio sends? (y/n)",
until OKorCancel == false or (OKorCancel == true and (removeAudio == "y" or removeAudio == "Y" or removeAudio == "n" or removeAudio == "N"))

if OKorCancel == false then

-- Now find MIDI events inside track

-- Iterate through all selected tracks
for trackIndex = 0, reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0) - 1 do
curTrack = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, trackIndex)

-- Iterate through all items within the track to find MIDI events
for itemIndex = 0, reaper.CountTrackMediaItems(curTrack) - 1 do
curItem = reaper.GetTrackMediaItem(curTrack, itemIndex)

-- Iterate through all takes within item
for takeIndex = 0, reaper.CountTakes(curItem) - 1 do
curTake = reaper.GetTake(curItem, takeIndex)

if reaper.TakeIsMIDI(curTake) then

-- Iterate through all events within take until one with usable channel info is found
eventIndex = 0
returnOK, _, _, _, msg = reaper.MIDI_GetEvt(curTake, eventIndex, true, true, 0, "")
eventIndex = eventIndex + 1
until returnOK == false or (returnOK == true and type(msg) == "string" and msg ~= "")

if returnOK == true then
-- REAPER's functions for track channels use channel range 1-16, NOT 0-15, therefore add 1
setTrackChannel(curTrack, 1 + ((tonumber(string.byte(msg:sub(1,1))))&15))
goto gotChannelForTrack

end -- for takeIndex
end -- for itemIndex

end -- for trackIndex

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