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Adding A Path

Kevin Mulhern edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 3 revisions

1. Add the new Path to the Seeds

  1. Create a new path directory under db/fixtures/paths/ - name the new path directory the same as what the new paths title will be on the site. for example foundations or full_stack_javascript etc.

  2. Create a new seed.rb file in the path directory you just created.

  3. At the top of the seed.rb file, create your new path:

@path = do |path|
  1. Give the path a title:
@path = do |path|
  path.title = 'Full Stack JavaScript'
  1. Give the path a description:
@path = do |path|
  path.title = 'Full Stack JavaScript'
  path.description = "This path teaches you x and y"
  1. Give the path an identifier_uuid attribute value of 'create_uuid'. This will be replaced by a real uuid automatically when the seed script is run later.
@path = do |path|
  path.title = 'Full Stack JavaScript'
  path.description = "This path teaches you x and y"
  path.identifier_uuid = 'create_uuid'
  1. Finally give your path a position, this attribute determines what position the path will be displayed at on the page.
@path = do |path|
  path.title = 'Full Stack JavaScript'
  path.description = "This path teaches you x and y"
  path.identifier_uuid = 'create_uuid'
  path.position = 3
  1. Add courses, sections and lessons to the path using these guides:
  1. Add the Clean up step to the bottom of the seed.rb file - This will clean up any removed courses from the path in the future.

4. Verify the Path has been Successfully Added

  1. Run the seeds task: bin/rails db:seed
  2. Run the app locally and check the path is where it should be and contains the courses, sections and lessons you expect.
  3. All done 🎉