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Nexus Instance is a framework meant to simplify the creation of classes in Lua, both in terms of syntax and being able to have the context of "super". The framework includes a base NexusObject class, as well as a more powerful NexusInstance class to allow for locking of properties and a Changed event.


Creating Classes

Nexus Instance provides 2 classes meant for creating classes: NexusObject and NexusInstance. NexusInstance extends NexusObject to allow for events for when properties change, but it has a performance cost. Both of them can be extended using the Extend method and optionally SetClassName after that to set the class name used with IsA. Typing is covered in a separate section.

local MyClass1 = NexusObject:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass1") --NexusObject can be swapped with NexusInstance.
local MyClass2 = MyClass1:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass2")

local MyObject1 = --Creates an instance of MyClass1
print(MyObject1.ClassName) --MyClass1
print(MyObject1:IsA("NexusObject")) --true
print(MyObject1:IsA("MyClass1")) --true
print(MyObject1:IsA("MyClass2")) --false
local MyObject2 = --Creates an instance of MyClass2
print(MyObject2.ClassName) --MyClass1
print(MyObject2:IsA("NexusObject")) --true
print(MyObject2:IsA("MyClass1")) --true
print(MyObject2:IsA("MyClass2")) --true

To initialize the class, __new() can be defined for each class that requires initialization. In the constructor, InitializeSuper(...) is used to call the parent constructor. Calling this is not enforced - be aware of missing calls.

local MyClass1 = NexusObject:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass1")
local MyClass2 = MyClass1:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass2")

function MyClass1:__new(Value1)
    self:InitializeSuper() --NexusObject requires no parameters.
    self.Value1 = Value1

function MyClass2:__new(Value1, Value2)
    self:InitializeSuper(Value1) --MyClass1 requires a paramter.
    self.Value2 = Value2

local MyObject1 ="MyValue1")
print(MyObject1.Value1) --MyValue1
print(MyObject1.Value2) --nil
local MyObject2 ="MyValue1", "MyValue2")
print(MyObject2.Value1) --MyValue1, defined in the constructor for MyClass1
print(MyObject2.Value2) --MyValue2

In addition to __new, custom functions can be defined. Classes can override functions of super classes as well. Metatable passthrough is also supported.

local MyClass1 = NexusObject:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass1")
local MyClass2 = MyClass1:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass2")

function MyClass1:__new(Value1)
    self.Value1 = Value1

function MyClass1:GetValue()
    return self.Value1

function MyClass2:__new(Value1, Value2)
    self.Value2 = Value2

function MyClass2:GetValue()
    return self.Value1.."_"..self.Value2

function MyClass2:__tostring()
    return self.Value2

local MyObject1 ="MyValue1")
print(MyObject1:GetValue()) --MyValue1
local MyObject2 ="MyValue1", "MyValue2")
print(MyObject2:GetValue()) --MyValue1_MyValue2
print(tostring(MyObject2)) --MyValue2

NexusInstance Additions

NexusInstance provides several more functions for managing Changed events. When a property is changed, the lifecycle of the change includes:

  1. Throw an error if the property was set to read-only using LockProperty(PropertyName: string).
  2. Ignore sending any changed events if the value is the same.
  3. Run any property validators added using AddGenericPropertyValidator(Validator: (string, any) -> (any)).
  4. Run any property validators added using AddPropertyValidator(PropertyName: string, Validator: (string, any) -> (any)).
  5. Update the property.
  6. Run any property finalizers added using AddGenericPropertyFinalizer(Finalizer: (string, any) -> ()) to bypass deferred events.
  7. Run any property finalizers added using AddPropertyFinalizer(PropertyName: string, Finalizer: (string, any) -> ()) to bypass deferred events.
  8. Invoke any changed events connected to from GetPropertyChangedSignal(PropertyName: string).
  9. Fire the Changed event as long as the property was not hidden using HidePropertyChanges(PropertyName: string).

With the changed events is a Destroy method that will disconnect the changed events. Classes that extend NexusInstance should make sure to call the Destroy method if it is overriden.

local MyClass = NexusInstance:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass")

function MyClass:Destroy()
    self.super:Destroy() --Calls NexusInstance:Destroy()
    --Some other Destroy logic here.


NexusEvent is included for creating custom events that can be listened to and invoked. Unlike BindableEvents, NexusEvent do not modify the passed variables, but still internally use BindableEvents to use Roblox's event scheduling. Typing is covered in another section.

local MyEvent =
MyEvent:Connect(function(Value1, Value2, Value)
    print(Value1) --1
    print(Value2) --2
    print(Value3) --3

    local Value1, Value2, Value3 = MyEvent:Wait()
    print(Value1) --1
    print(Value2) --2
    print(Value3) --3

MyEvent:Fire(1, 2, 3)
MyEvent:Disconnect() --Disconnects all connections.


Typing for metatables is complicated in Luau. The recommended pattern for typing is the following:

--Extend the class.
local MyClass = NexusObject:Extend():SetClassName("MyClass") --Or NexusInstance, or any other class.

--Create the type. The type name is arbitrary (can be MyClass).
--new should be set with the constructor and return, regardless if it matches the super.
--Extend should be set with the class.
--The union of the parent type must be after the type definition.
export type MyClassType = {
    new: () -> MyClassType,
    Extend: (self: MyClassType) -> MyClassType,

    --Custom properties and methods can be defined here.
    MyProperty: string,
    MyEvent: NexusEvent.NexusEvent<string, number>, --NexusEvents support typing.
    MyMethod: (self: MyClassType, Value: string) -> (number),
} & NexusObject.NexusObject --Or NexusInstance.NexusInstance, or any other type definition.

--Define any functions.
function MyClass:__new(): ()
    self.MyProperty = "MyProperty"
    self.MyEvent = --From NexusInstance.Event.NexusEvent

function MyClass:MyMethod(Value: string): number
    return 5

--Return the class with the type casted.
return MyClass :: MyClassType


Both issues and pull requests are accepted for this project.


Nexus Instance is available under the terms of the MIT Licence. See LICENSE for details.