This pipeline ":" processes SMARTer Stranded EV RNA-seq data from raw FASTQ files through multiple steps, including quality control, UMI extraction, adapter/quality trimming, rRNA detection, alignment, deduplication, and final feature counting. It also provides a 14-bp motif analysis of Read2, as well as optional bigWig coverage tracks and circular RNA detection (CIRCexplorer2).
bash <R1.fastq.gz> <R2.fastq.gz>
- SampleName: A short identifier for your sample, e.g. B4_TDP43_KD_caRNA_rep3.
- R1.fastq.gz: Path to Read1 FASTQ file (possibly gzipped).
- R2.fastq.gz: Path to Read2 FASTQ file (possibly gzipped). The script creates _processed/ with all outputs.
- Linux environment
- Tools: fastqc, multiqc, umi_tools, cutadapt, trim_galore, ribodetector_cpu, seqtk, kraken2, KronaTools,, STAR, samtools, bamCoverage, computeMatrix, plotProfile, featureCounts, CIRCexplorer2, python scripts.
- Step 1: QC + 14-bp R2 motif with
- Step 2: UMI extraction + adapter trimming
- Step 3: rRNA detection (ribodetector_cpu)
- Step 4: Kraken classification
- Step 5: STAR alignment
- Step 6: UMI dedup
- Step 7: bigWig coverage and DeepTools
- Step 8: featureCounts
- Step 9: CIRCexplorer2
bash B4_TDP43_KD_caRNA_rep3 R1.fq.gz R2.fq.gz
- 1_raw_QC_and_motif/: QC reports + motif results
- 2_UMI_trim/: trimmed data + logs
- 3_ribodetector/: rRNA reads
- 4_kraken/: downsampled fastqs + classification
- 5_STAR/: Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam etc.
- 6_umi_dedup_bam/: final deduplicated BAM
- 7_bw_density/: bigWig coverage + matrix + profile
- 8_featurecounts/: featureCounts
- 9_CIRCexplorer2/: back-spliced junction + annotated circular RNAs