A minecraft java resource pack with the goal of making the game beautiful to my tastes in almost every way possible
Includes both the full texture pack and any extra overlay packs I may add in the future
Please read credits.md
Some features of these resource packs require the use of specific mods
Unless I personally use the mod and find any reason to change the textures, no.
Again, It's up to if I'm using that specific version myself and If I bother to
I most likely won't backport to older java versions unless I need to for an event or modpack
At the moment I'm not working on that, but I hope to be able to port this pack to bedrock edition someday
Obviously I can't port everything due to limitations, but hopefully most of the pack can make it into bedrock
It'll probably happen eventually, but for now It's unsupported unless someone makes It themselves
Yeah! I'd love to have people contribute to this and help expand support for mods that I don't use myself
and please do share your pack so I can add it to the 'third party addons' list
Sure! Just give credit where you can and a link to the original place you found it (like right here!)
Perfectly fine if it's for personal use!
If you're planning to upload it on the other hand, please make sure to credit me somewhere, and check the credits document aswell