The Coding Collective™ is a weekly gathering for people that want to code, learn to code, help others learn, and/or collaborate on programming. We meet in person at the University of California-Davis, Tuesdays at 4-6pm (in LSA 2002), but you can join us remotely. This is by no means a formal gathering. All programming languages and skill levels are welcome.
By having a time and a place set aside for focusing on writing code, you hopefully will feel more motivated to consistently develop your programming skills and be able to help each other work through obstacles.
We value using concepts/tools like version control, code consistency/best practices, testing, and collaboration.
The only requirement to join is to want to learn. Come with a project mind, join another, or work through tutorials.
Science Bonus: Programming is more fun than pipetting.
Visit the wiki to learn more. This is where we add resources and discuss what we did or plan to do each week.
Want to start a project with someone? Find a team and start discussing possible projects in issues. ##Credits
Octocat Scientist by: @JohnCreek