A mature PingPong Game #This is a Game to be played on android #Created using P5 javascript #And apk-karan would be done by cordova
#Rules to Add new LEVEL 1.No one will ever change mainFunction.js & pingPong.js (and sound) except permission from master 2.Every level must have mainFunction.js & pingPong.js & L.js (and sound) in L.js 3.first check the cookie 'highScore' &'recentTime' 4.After level is passed make a function protottype: passLevel(){if(t>20){ setCookie('level','L2',1); levelPassed(1,'Faster');// 'Name of next leve or else commingsoon' c=2 noLoop(); } } 5. function mouseClicked(){ if(c==1){ window.location.href='index.html'; c=0; } if(c==2){ window.location.href=getCookie('level')+'.html'; } }