Add opening hours to a data object. I suggest adding silverstripe-australia/addressable to add opening hours and address data to a Store site. In the future i would suggest using bramdeleeuw/silverstripe-schema to add schema data, like store information, to your site but it's still a work in progress.
To add the opening hours, simply extens on the object that you want to use them on.
- 'Broarm\OpeningHours\OpeningHours'
The object comes packed with some methods you can use to display the opening hours with:
// Returns the opening hours as a summarized list, this means days with similar opening hours are combined e.g "Mon – Tue"
// Returns todays opening hours
// Return the short localized version for the current day (in the loop)
// Return the short localized version for the current day (in the loop)
// Return the concatnated days list as a range, only used when looping over the summarized days loop.
// Returns true when the From and Till data are equal (shop is closed for that day)
// Returns true when the current time falls between the opening hours