- ghc (Most version should work)- download the installer
- cabal (Versions 3)- comes with ghc (Might have to be installed manually, package usually called cabal-install)
- comand to update is:
cabal install Cabal cabal-install
- if cabal is installed with apt-get you will need to add .cabal/bin to the start of the path
- comand to update is:
./exec.sh filename
- Consider running the files testing.bgl, notakto.bgl and countGame1.bgl as they are working test files.
cabal update
cabal new-build
cabal new-exec BottomUp <filename>
- Consider running the files testing.bgl, notakto.bgl and countGame1.bgl as they are working test files.
- The command would look like
cabal new-exec BottomUp test/testing.bgl
ghci OutputCode.hs
./BoGL-Compiler.exe <filename>
ghci OutputCode.hs
Once the compiled program is in GHCi to run it execute the result function. Other functions can be tested, but these will depend on the implementation in the .bgl file.
There is an automation to build and run the testing file in VS code for development purposes. To run this using VSCode open the folder and then press Ctrl + Shift + B.
The language has a few important builtin functions.
- input - get input from user based on Input type
- inARow : (Int, Player, Board) -> Bool - See if certain number of players on the board
- countBoard : (Content, Board) -> Int - Count the number of a certain piece on the board
See https://github.com/The-Code-In-Sheep-s-Clothing/Example-DSTL for a formal language definition