We are a heterogenous group of (bio)informaticians, scientists and people of other occupations that set it as our aim to jointly learn and improve our Python programming skills. We are archiving this by hands-on programming tasks and by being available for each other for questions occuring along the path. We are using Slack to stay connected and to coordinate our projects. Any coding is uploaded and shared on Github, enabling a dynamic multi-author working environment. We understand ourselves as students and teachers at the same time, profiting from each others knowledge and skills. We are very happy about new members in our community and want you to feel invited and welcome if you are interested in joining us.
If you want to join please contact Mats Töpel.
When joining our group, please check out our Wiki for various quick tutorials for the resources used in this group. These tutorials help new users to get started and to set basic working procedures which help to coordinate our joined projects. Additionally we provide interesting links that can help you to improve with various softwares and with Python coding in general. Please feel free to edit, add and create new files on this Github page!
Introductory resources
- Codecademy: Python - Gentle and interactive introduction to Python basics, step-by-step construction of complex programs from simpler building blocks.
- Learn Python the hard way
- Pasteur Institute introduction to Python
- Learn Python subreddit
- [Programming for Everybody (Python)] (https://class.coursera.org/pythonlearn-004/)
- [The official Python site] (http://www.python.org)
- [Beginning Python for Bioinformatics] (http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2002/10/17/biopython.html)
- [Interactive Python tutorial] (http://www.learnpython.org/)
Video resources
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC's)
- [Coursera: Programming for Everybody (Python)] (https://class.coursera.org/pythonlearn-004/)
- Coursera: Python for Genomic Data Science - Free online course starting July 6th, 2015 (sign up!)
- Edx: Learn to Program Using Python
- Edx: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
- Edx: CS For All: Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming
- Basic git, getting started
- Git branching
- Managing github branches
- Github command line interface tool
More advanced coding can be learned by using it in your own projects or by solving coding problems. There are many websites that offer coding problems, such as Simple Programming Problems, 46 Simple Python Exercises, Rosetta Code, and many more.