7.2.4123 @2023.04.25 - 增强版
released this
28 Apr 04:23
502 commits
to master
since this release
7.2.4123 @2023.04.25 - Enhanced Edition
- Supported clearing messages for topics.
- Added the notification for conversation deletion.
- Improved the synchronization speed of conversation lists after login.
- Supported blocking members kicked out of the group from joining again for non-audio-video groups and community groups.
- Supported checking western European languages by words in local content moderation.
- Supported configuring approval options for joining a community group via application or invitation.
- Android offline push supported second-level message category for vivo phones
- Supported configuring the number of long polling tasks on console for audio-video groups.
- Prohibited reverting timestamp for one-to-one message read reporting.
- The sequence of the read reported group message cannot exceed the sequence of the last group message.
- Android offline push is now adapted to Android 12 for Huawei, Mi and FCM channels.
- Fixed the issue that the group name card fields are missing for group messages sent by yourself.
- Fixed the occasional error that message modification callback is not triggered after a message is modified successfully.
- Fixed the issue that repeated callback for onMemberKicked after a member is kicked out of a group.
- Fixed the parsing error for multi-element message in Swift SDK.
- Fixed the issue that there is no callback for pulling group messages under certain conditions.
- Fixed the occasional issue that message unread count is not updated in time after a message is recalled.
- Fixed the occasional OpenSSL crash issue for Android and C/C++.
TUIKit and demo
- Added call records page.
- Supported specifying target language for message translation.
- Supported customizing time limit for message recall in TUIChat
- Fixed the no response issue when users press Enter to send messages with some third-party input methods
- 话题支持清空消息
- 增加会话被删除的回调
- 优化登录后同步会话列表的速度
- 在普通群和社群内踢人支持封禁
- 本地内容审核针对西欧字母系语言支持分词检查
- 社群支持设置申请入群和邀请入群的审批选项
- Android 离线推送支持 vivo 手机消息二级分类
- 直播群支持云控配置消息长轮询任务的数量
- 单聊已读上报禁止回退已读时间戳
- 群聊已读上报的 sequence 不能超过群最后一条消息的 sequence
- Android 离线推送适配华为、小米、FCM 的 Android 12 系统
- 修复自己发送的群消息缺少群名片字段的问题
- 修复编辑消息成功后偶现不触发消息变更回调的问题
- 修复被踢出群会重复回调 onMemberKicked 的问题
- 修复 Swift 版本消息多 element 解析异常的问题
- 修复特定条件下拉取群消息无回调问题
- 修复撤回消息后偶现未读数更新不及时的问题
- 修复 Android C/C++ 版本偶现 openssl 崩溃的问题
TUIKit & Demo
- 新增历史通话记录页面
- 消息翻译支持设置目标语言
- TUIChat 新增消息撤回时间配置选项
- 修复在简约版下使用某些第三方输入法发送消息时,点击回车无响应的问题