released this
09 Dec 09:52
6 commits
to release-1.6
since this release
What's Changed
- fix: update cnative app image validate regex by @narasux in #1426
- fix: 查看事件排版优化、云原生应用的出口IP管理根据 FeatureFlag 控制用户是否可自己操作、访问管理文案修改 by @leafage-collb in #1428
- fix: 流水线构建状态更新出错问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1430
- feat: list idle application apis return type and is_plugin_app fields by @narasux in #1431
- feat: 持久存储特性接口区分集群不支持和应用特性未开启 by @SheepSheepChen in #1419
- refactor: EventSerializer 使用 get_items 获取字段 by @SheepSheepChen in #1416
- update: 进程详情中,CPU requests值展示优化 by @leafage-collb in #1433
- fix: 日志平台创建索引时部分字段添加分词导致无法精确查询 by @jiayuan929 in #1421
- feat: 闲置应用看板 by @leafage-collb in #1432
- updata: 持久存储功能修改项 by @leafage-collb in #1429
- fix: hook pod do not reconcile as expected when no web process found by @jamesgetx in #1425
- format: update existing license header to comment syntax & add header to more files by @piglei in #1438
- fix: 新建测试版本时 current_release 取值不正确 by @jiayuan929 in #1437
- feat: 应用列表页面默认包含已下架的应用 by @jiayuan929 in #1439
- refactor: 重构插件基本信息、基本信息:市场信息根据feature_flags展示、添加发布者 by @leafage-collb in #1389
- fix: 闲置应用下架操作对齐问题修复、闲置应用下架、退出应用的二次确认框都用气泡的样式 by @leafage-collb in #1442
- fix: 修复无 "default" 模块时告警策略下发失败的问题 by @SheepSheepChen in #1441
- fix: 应用迁移后未根据集群特性开启使用日志平台采集的应用特性 by @jiayuan929 in #1435
- remove: 搜索页面去掉 ”码客“ by @leafage-collb in #1446
- feat: admin 中以 docker 形式存储的包不提供下载功能 by @jiayuan929 in #1447
- refactor: simplifying code implementation of CloudAPIViewSet by @jamesgetx in #1444
- fix: 批量申请时,选择跨网关/组件导致url错误问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1445
- feat: improve the error message when app_desc.yaml contains invalid modules data(both v2 and v3) by @piglei in #1443
- refactor: SaaS 告警通知模版模版化 by @SheepSheepChen in #1423
- feat: support notify idle app module envs to developers by @narasux in #1448
- feat: 探针功能、进程配置样式调整 by @leafage-collb in #1449
- fix: token bucket rate limiter and cmsi http method by @narasux in #1450
- refactor: ignore ResourceNotFound when no image found by @jamesgetx in #1452
- feat: 添加工蜂智能研发工具指引文档 by @leafage-collb in #1458
- fix: 普通应用迁移云原生错误弹窗处理 by @leafage-collb in #1456
- fix: 通知中心应用ID(用于 API 网关自动授权) by @jiayuan929 in #1457
- fix: 探针7-5体验问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1455
- fix:体验修复 & 测试提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1454
- fix: unhidden apt buildpack by default by @narasux in #1463
- feat: support set custom domain ingress class separately by @jamesgetx in #1462
- fix: untranslated internationalization fields issue by @jiayuan929 in #1460
- fix: no matches found for kind=DomainGroupMapping and preferred=True by @jamesgetx in #1466
- feat: add JustLeaveAppManager for better experience by @narasux in #1472
- feat: 全局搜索根据新版设计稿重构 by @leafage-collb in #1467
- fix: Codecc 二次迭代,体验问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1434
- feat: support ignore idle apps by @narasux in #1471
- fix: tooltips多个存在不消失情况处理 & 体验提单汇总修复 by @leafage-collb in #1473
- refactor: 调整获取 logo 失败时的日志级别 by @SheepSheepChen in #1440
- feat: add perm_insure module to help configuring API perm by @piglei in #1474
- feat: Add terminated info to process for better observation of restart reasons by @SheepSheepChen in #1469
- feat: 闲置看板添加忽略操作 by @leafage-collb in #1475
- fix: 全局搜索focus兼容通知中心 by @leafage-collb in #1476
- feat: support AI Agent plugin App by @jiayuan929 in #1465
- feat: add descriptions for Built-in environment variables by @jiayuan929 in #1459
- update: 内置环境变量新版展示 by @leafage-collb in #1479
- refactor: remove inproper usage of
class & other misc enhancements by @piglei in #1477 - refactor: improve the permission_classes decorator by add more comments and better naming. by @piglei in #1481
- fix: ModuleEnvRoleProtectionViewSet unable to do permission check by @piglei in #1484
- fix:插件可见范围审批参数调整 by @jiayuan929 in #1486
- docs: update apiserver/README.md by @lyzqs in #1487
- fix:体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1483
- fix: perm_insure checking missing late extend django apps by @piglei in #1490
- feat: Support viewing last restart logs for process instances by @SheepSheepChen in #1478
- fix: fixed templates filling logic in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1493
- refactor: add missing error logs(view level) when getting repo failed by @piglei in #1489
- refactor: bkapp-operator 日志调整 by @SheepSheepChen in #1453
- feat: add workloads related env vars LOG_NAME_PREFIX/PROCESS_TYPE for cnative apps by @piglei in #1488
- fix: replicas alway reset to 1 when processes defined in app_desc.yaml by @piglei in #1494
- fix: 日志体验体验修复 by @leafage-collb in #1491
- feat: 应用搜索列表添加收藏标记 by @lyzqs in #1497
- fix: 体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1495
- fix: rollback database model field default value by @lyzqs in #1499
- fix: bkci status may not return totalTime and executeTime by @narasux in #1503
- fix: V7.2 外发前整体特性验收修复 by @leafage-collb in #1501
- fix: 修复应用搜索列表中 icon 颜色和换行问题 by @lyzqs in #1504
- fix: hook pod gone away may block new deployment by @narasux in #1482
- refactor: remove the "tb" info from the DynamicApiError by @jamesgetx in #1498
- refactor: remove I18N binary file django.mo and compile the file before starting processes by @piglei in #1505
- fix: docker build fails because unexpected env var with empty value overrides the settings by @piglei in #1510
- feat: 支持自定义内置环境变量 (admin42) by @lyzqs in #1492
- fix: admin42 首页 / 导航栏根据用户身份进行限制显示 by @lyzqs in #1508
- fix: admin42 用户管理 / 用户列表页面体验优化 by @lyzqs in #1506
- fix: 修复 admin42 用户列表/环境变量管理页面体验问题 by @lyzqs in #1515
- fix: webfe cnative app image validate regex by @narasux in #1516
- docs: add dev guide for system apis by @piglei in #1507
- fix: fixed body style in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1518
- feat: 支持 Smart 应用修改中文名等 1.5 版本体验反馈问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1519
- fix:V7.2 外发前整体特性验收修复后续提交 by @leafage-collb in #1523
- feat: 云原生添加重启日志,日志样式改版 by @leafage-collb in #1521
- fix: recycle env resources if any successful release by @narasux in #1524
- fix: skip delete cnative application env resources temporarily by @narasux in #1525
- feat: 应用审计记录 by @jiayuan929 in #1496
- feat: 进程与进程实例支持重启 by @SheepSheepChen in #1514
- fix: 调整 title 的默认值 by @leafage-collb in #1529
- fix: 体验修复、重启原因 by @leafage-collb in #1520
- fix: 修复云原生应用部署操作会被重复记录问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1534
- slz -> bkapp_module(entities) -> bkapp_module(db) -> crd.bkapp by @jamesgetx in #1513
- fix: display username instead of uid in some apis by @lyzqs in #1536
- fix: update delete env resources func comment by @narasux in #1528
- fix: 修复申请组件 API 时未返回 record_id 导致报错 by @jiayuan929 in #1535
- fix: 跨集群部署时访问管理 CLB IP 显示异常 by @lyzqs in #1537
- fix: sort yaml in deploy history page by @lyzqs in #1538
- fix: 云原生应用的部署操作跳转地址不对修复 & 冗余代码删除 by @leafage-collb in #1533
- feat: 进程与实例重启 by @leafage-collb in #1539
- fix: delete PresetEnvVariable when not set by @jamesgetx in #1540
- fix: 未修改名称的 Smart 应用不触发同步名称的逻辑 by @jiayuan929 in #1541
- docs: added design note about s-mart app and desc file by @piglei in #1517
- feat: support filter all modules in deploy history page by @lyzqs in #1512
- fix: 应用下架后允许关闭发布状态 by @lyzqs in #1542
- feat: support audit operations in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1532
- refactor: move some functions out of sync_entities and add docs by @piglei in #1543
- fix: update_app_resource 函数添加 metadata 校验 by @SheepSheepChen in #1544
- fix: bk ci build can't following logs by @narasux in #1559
- feat: add process services to expose process network explicitly by @jamesgetx in #1485
- fix: first got unexpected keyword by @jamesgetx in #1560
- chore: add customDomainIngressClassName in update_helm_chart.py by @jamesgetx in #1562
- feat: add audit records in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1553
- fix: 修复 admin42 添加审计记录问题 by @lyzqs in #1567
- feat: support export deployment log by @lyzqs in #1546
- feat: add apigw-bkrepo init by @Han-Ya-Jun in #1566
- fix: add attribute name of some audit records in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1571
- fix: 访问地址表格固定列不对齐优化 by @leafage-collb in #1556
- feat: 进程服务 by @leafage-collb in #1570
- feat: add audit records of application operation by @lyzqs in #1569
- fix: fail to generate ingresses(web process not found) in DomainGroupMapping by @jamesgetx in #1575
- fix:体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1564
- fix:查询用户的paas2.0普通应用列表时,如果权限表达式为空,提前返回 by @songzxc789 in #1547
- fix: fix alerts query by @SheepSheepChen in #1583
- feat: support ${PORT} used in probes and proc services field by @jamesgetx in #1580
- fix: 修复日志相关 Sentry 异常 by @jiayuan929 in #1579
- fix: 查询日志的 slz 中添加 max_result_window by @jiayuan929 in #1588
- fix: 创建镜像应用时,获取访问地址 404 导致页面报错 && 国际化样式修复 by @leafage-collb in #1585
- fix: 带端口的镜像地址解析问题 #1576 by @linxiaowu1992 in #1578
- fix: nav 顶部样式规范调整 by @leafage-collb in #1589
- fix:日志查询:最多只能查询前 10,000 条的日志 by @leafage-collb in #1591
- fix: 更改主模块时同步更新应用市场 by @lyzqs in #1561
- refactor: improve the process data sync logic & the declarative module by @piglei in #1563
- feat: 操作审计 API by @jiayuan929 in #1584
- feat: Codecc 插件灰度、可见范围 by @leafage-collb in #1592
- test: fix unit test by @jamesgetx in #1594
- feat: 支持 Codecc 插件正式版本发布 by @jiayuan929 in #1509
- feat: 云 API 权限批量申请 API by @jiayuan929 in #1587
- fix: codecc 插件灰度发布都需要插件管理员审批 by @jiayuan929 in #1595
- fix: plugin unitest by @jiayuan929 in #1599
- config:grant permission for bk_flow_engine by @songzxc789 in #1600
- docs: change log tranlation normalize by @songzxc789 in #1603
- fix: fixed audit when deleting a remote service by @lyzqs in #1593
- refactor: admin42 buildpack 管理功能重构 by @lyzqs in #1586
- feat: support custom metric for cloud native app by @jamesgetx in #1574
- feat: 优化 IAM 用户组超限报错信息 by @jiayuan929 in #1607
- feat: 添加 BKPAAS_NODEMAN_URL 等内置环境变量 by @jiayuan929 in #1596
- fix: 体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1608
- fix: 去掉老版镜像的文档 by @jiayuan929 in #1606
- fix: result_code 为 0 时未正确过滤问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1610
- feat: 操作记录 by @leafage-collb in #1611
- fix: Codecc 迭代3 体验汇总修复 by @leafage-collb in #1612
- fix: ee&ce配置文件补充操作记录 by @leafage-collb in #1614
- fix: add data before in audit record of service discovery and domain resolution by @lyzqs in #1615
- fix: 修复部署前置命令日志位置问题 by @lyzqs in #1568
- fix: 初始化可见范围时添加 tof_id 这个参数 by @jiayuan929 in #1613
- feat: add get metric dashboard url api by @jamesgetx in #1619
- refactor: 将 mysqlclient 替换为 pymysql by @jiayuan929 in #1622
- feat: Metric采集 by @leafage-collb in #1623
- fix: codecc 体验修复 by @leafage-collb in #1621
- fix: 组织架构选择器不使用 fe_list_department_profiles API by @leafage-collb in #1618
- fix: codecc 基本信息 API 返回字段都可为空 by @jiayuan929 in #1627
- fix: use role argument to get app actions by @narasux in #1630
- refactor: admin42 slugbuilder 管理功能重构 by @lyzqs in #1605
- refactor: admin42 slugrunner 管理功能重构 by @lyzqs in #1633
- feat: add regrant_user_group_policies command by @narasux in #1632
- fix: creating new module for s-mart app via YAML file might use the wrong cluster by @piglei in #1631
- fix: 修复切换主模块后市场地址显示问题 by @lyzqs in #1609
- fix: type error when call DeploymentQuerySet.owned_by_module with env by @narasux in #1639
- feat: 云 API 权限:创建新令牌提供使用指引 by @leafage-collb in #1628
- fix: Codecc 插件下架插件无法操作 by @leafage-collb in #1629
- feat: update celery from 4.4.7 to 5.4.0 by @narasux in #1638
- fix: update bkpaas-cli go version to 1.22.8 by @narasux in #1640
- feat: support export deployment log in legacy app by @lyzqs in #1641
- feat: 灰度发布组织信息未变更是不需要上级审批 by @jiayuan929 in #1642
- fix: 修复 admin42 buildpack/slugbuilder/slugrunner 页面体验问题 by @lyzqs in #1636
- feat: regrant_user_group_policies command support catch failed app codes by @narasux in #1645
- fix: 测试通过后,终止测试按钮状态未刷新 & 文案优化 by @leafage-collb in #1644
- style: update go framework display name by @narasux in #1647
- fix: admin42 buildpack/builder/runner 相关页面优化 by @lyzqs in #1646
- feat: update go-release-action version for bkpaas-cli by @narasux in #1648
- feat: get user alerts and alerts count by @songzxc789 in #1626
- fix: 全局配置:BK_SHARED_RES_URL 未设置时,不应该发起请求 by @leafage-collb in #1651
- fix: the build process may timeout when the message is too long by @piglei in #1643
- doc: 文档前缀中添加语言和版本号 by @jiayuan929 in #1625
- docs: fix some underdescription or error description by @songzxc789 in #1545
- feat: app operation evaluation list by @songzxc789 in #1581
- fix: filter latest app operation by operator by @songzxc789 in #1654
- chore: update buildpack-go(191) version in init.sh by @jamesgetx in #1660
- feat: update bkpaas-app-operator to go 1.22.8 by @narasux in #1637
- fix: total app count must include inactive apps by @songzxc789 in #1662
- fix: update helm chart script by @narasux in #1659
- fix: admin42 buildpack/builder/runner 体验问题修复 by @lyzqs in #1650
- fix: e2e test failed when using kind cluster by @piglei in #1658
- refactor: remove "diffs" form s-mart /stash/ response" by @piglei in #1656
- feat: 首页开发 by @leafage-collb in #1666
- feat: 首页告警内容文案修改 by @leafage-collb in #1664
- fix: 首页体验问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1668
- docs: update README.md to add detailed intro of E2E tests by @piglei in #1669
- fix: missing update deployment processes fields in ImageReleaseMgr by @jamesgetx in #1665
- feat: update apiserver python version to 3.11.10 by @narasux in #1655
- fix: 样式修复 & 告警去掉退出应用 by @leafage-collb in #1671
- feat: 初始化模板下载地址 by @leafage-collb in #1667
- fix: patch urllib3 ssl module for compatibility by @narasux in #1672
- refactor: use drf instead of pure django views in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1677
- fix: incorrectly updated the number of replicas for Procfile app by @jamesgetx in #1680
- refactor: improve test code in test_network_config.py and update docs by @piglei in #1673
- feat: update svc-otel to python 3.11 & Django 4.2 by @narasux in #1689
- docs: fix uni_apps_list_minimal limit parameter description by @songzxc789 in #1690
- fix: 操作审计提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1684
- feat: update svc-rabbitmq to python 3.11 & Django 4.2 by @narasux in #1685
- feat: add dashboard import function by @jiayuan929 in #1683
- feat: update apiserver django to 4.2.16 by @narasux in #1675
- feat: update svc-mysql to python 3.11 & Django 4.2 by @narasux in #1687
- feat: update svc-bkrepo to python 3.11 & Django 4.2 by @narasux in #1686
- test: sync replicas in ModuleProcessSpecManager.sync_from_desc by @jamesgetx in #1682
- feat: configurate monitor dashboard templates in admin42 by @songzxc789 in #1694
- feat: 沙盒开发测试环境 by @SheepSheepChen in #1657
- feat: drop the support for app description version 1(used by legacy s-mart apps) by @piglei in #1693
- fix: 首页提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1697
- fix: slow query alerts count by 'gcs_mysql_slow_query' in label by @songzxc789 in #1695
- feat: send_idle_email_to_app_developer command support arg exclude_specified_users by @narasux in #1699
- fix: remove error operation audit by @narasux in #1703
- fix: alert labels may be None by @narasux in #1705
- feat: 简化沙箱密码获取过程(不需要验证码) by @SheepSheepChen in #1702
- fix: dashboard tasks do not take effect by @jiayuan929 in #1706
- fix: 优化插件指引链接 & 401弹窗问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1708
- docs: update operator & webfe README.md by @narasux in #1696
- fix: re-add operation audit of add-ons by @lyzqs in #1717
- refactor: remove site access control middleware in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1679
- fix: can't archive app when cur replicas greater than max by @narasux in #1716
- feat: 沙箱回收 command by @SheepSheepChen in #1710
- feat: admin42 buildpack support filter by language by @narasux in #1719
- feat: 沙箱添加探针; 部署前检测数量上限 by @SheepSheepChen in #1713
- feat: 插件操作记录添加查询条件等 by @jiayuan929 in #1721
- feat: 沙箱保留 .git 元信息 by @SheepSheepChen in #1712
- feat: 沙箱开发功能 by @leafage-collb in #1723
- fix: 沙箱根据环境决定当前协议 by @leafage-collb in #1725
- fix: 饼图展示调整 by @leafage-collb in #1727
- fix: Smart 应用上传包时,增强服务的样式调整 & Code Formatt by @leafage-collb in #1730
- fix: do validate svc discovery redundantly by @jamesgetx in #1729
- docs: 增强服务本地开发文档 by @jiayuan929 in #1700
- feat: user could add or remove admin role of plugin in app overview page in admin42 by @songzxc789 in #1698
- feat: add golang framework when init data by @narasux in #1732
- fix: pymysql 1.1.1+ no longer need patch by @narasux in #1733
- feat: add requestID in bk-log collect fields by @narasux in #1735
- fix: don't restart hook pod after execute error by @narasux in #1709
- refactor: decouple the dependency on ProcessSpec for cnative app by @jamesgetx in #1726
- fix: 云原生替换 processes/list 接口中对外层 cpu_limit/memory_limit 字段 by @leafage-collb in #1738
- feat: 云原生仪表盘功能 by @leafage-collb in #1737
- fix: 沙箱体验问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1734
- feat: 插件仪表盘 & 操作记录 by @leafage-collb in #1743
- feat: add fieldmgr module to handling edit conflicting issue when updating bkapp model fields by @piglei in #1714
- fix:体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1744
- feat: 云原生应用支持出口 ip 功能 by @SheepSheepChen in #1740
- fix: always reset overlay data when the base value was set on the process obj by @piglei in #1745
- fix: allowed mismatched smart app to upload by @jamesgetx in #1746
- feat: custom module order of app deployment by @songzxc789 in #1707
- feat: app_desc.yaml transform from version 2 to version 3 by @songzxc789 in #1715
- fix: source_obj is None block modify repo bind by @narasux in #1749
- fix: 创建应用,镜像凭证名称非必填,如果填写了的话需要校验镜像名称 by @leafage-collb in #1750
- feat: non-cloud native app do not support specVersion:3 by @jamesgetx in #1748
- fix: 测试提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1747
- fix: admin42 是否展示插件管理员逻辑修复 by @jiayuan929 in #1754
- fix: add console.error() in webfe getProcessList by @narasux in #1755
- fix: handle None values in env_overlay fields to prevent unexpected behavior by @piglei in #1753
- fix: plugin proc-mgr page must use process_packages field rather than cnative_proc_specs by @narasux in #1756
- fix: 服务发现/域名解析/DNS服务功能改进 by @leafage-collb in #1751
- feat: update svc-rabbitmq arrow version to 1.3.0 by @narasux in #1757
- refactor: allow unknown version when image is exist by @jamesgetx in #1762
- feat: add API to retrieve preset env variable by @jiayuan929 in #1752
- fix: 修复 ApplicationDeploymentModuleOrder 表 migration 问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1763
- feat: update arrow and grpcio version by @narasux in #1758
- fix: remove useless external client by @narasux in #1765
- feat: add idle apps notify email templates by @narasux in #1767
- refactor: use sync_processes instead of ModuleProcessSpecManage.sync_from_desc by @jamesgetx in #1759
- fix: input validation for app description file transform by @songzxc789 in #1761
- feat: 测试环境接入网站访问统计、沙箱开发添加元素埋点 by @leafage-collb in #1769
- fix: process services implicit inject by @songzxc789 in #1741
- fix: 插件列表添加过滤下拉、应用列表:默认按最近操作时间排序 by @leafage-collb in #1766
- Simplify the usage of "region": misc 1 by @piglei in #1770
- refactor: remove procfile and hooks from Deployment model by @jamesgetx in #1764
- fix: latest_deployed_at value may be None by @narasux in #1774
- perf: 服务导航优化、页面样式优化、应用描述文件转换 by @leafage-collb in #1777
- fix: replace kube-rbac-proxy image by @narasux in #1776
- fix: dev sandbox logic code style by @narasux in #1780
- fix: apply error ingress when cnative app switching default module by @jamesgetx in #1779
- refactor: set allow_blank=True for value field in BaseEnvVarFields by @jamesgetx in #1781
- fix: dev sandbox wl_app name must endswith -dev by @narasux in #1783
New Contributors
- @lyzqs made their first contribution in #1487
- @Han-Ya-Jun made their first contribution in #1566
Full Changelog: v1.5.0-beta.14...v1.6.0-beta.1