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SkylinkCpp demos

This repository contains demos for the Skylink C++ SDK.


Install SDL2 via

sudo apt-get install cmake libsdl2-dev

Install other dependencies via

bash script/

Project setup

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


cd build

Running the demo

From the build folder, run :

skylinkcpp -k {appKey} -s {secret} -r {roomName} [-a {sendAudio:true/false}] [-v {sendVideo:true/false}] [-l {skylinLogLevel}] [-w {webrtcLogLevel}]
Log levels are: TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE.

Getting an application key

Please visit for information about the platform, and to get an application key.


As of today, Temasys only provides a build version for linux.\n We build and test with Ubuntu 16.04. Your mileage may vary on different versions of linux.

Future builds for Mac and Windows are planned for the near future.

Known issues

The current demo requires specific pulse audio setting. This is an app level issue. To render the remote audio properly, edit the pulse audio configuration sudo vim /etc/pulse/daemon.conf, and add:

default-fragments = 5
default-fragment-size-msec = 2

Then stop the pulseaudio daemon pulseaudio --kill and start again pulseaudio --start to take effect the changes.

If the pulseaudio daemon is not running in the system, application may not start. To fix this, execute pulseaudio --start to start the daemon