Connectiverse is a social network application, enabling users to share media and communicate with their friends.
The main features of the application are:
- create new connection by adding a user to friend list
- create a post with a range of visibility types (public, friends, private)
- like and/or comment on a personal/friend's post
- send/receive text messages via real-time chat
- search for users
- remove a connection
- ASP .NET Core
- ASP .NET Core Identity
- MS SQL Server
- Entity Framework Core
- AutoMapper
- ASP .NET Core WebAPI
- Swagger
- JavaScript/jQuery/AJAX
- HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap
- SignalR
- Azure blob storage
- NewsAPI
- Moq
- Public - users are only allowed to register or log in
- Private - available after registration
- Administrative - available for admins only
The public part consists of the home page, displaying real-time statistics about the application.
The private part supports a large variety of functionalities:
- add a post, set post visibility, attach a photo to a post;
- send/accept/decline a friend request;
- remove a friend;
- like/dislike/comment on a personal/friend's post
- change profile/cover picture;
- browse newsfeed;
- search for user/users;
- look up user's public profile information;
- access to the public chat room;
- browse resources provided by a 3rd party api - NewsAPI;
This is how the application looks once a user signs in:
Once a user goes to the news feed, a list of the user's friends' posts will be displayed along with the likes/comments count of each post:
You can select who can view your posts:
Every person has their own gallery, where each of their photos can be viewed:
If a user chooses not to see another user's posts, an unfriend option is available, with an option to become friends once again:
A user is able to search for other users and to sort the results by a number of criterias:
When a new user enters the chat room, he is able to send and receive real-time messages with other participants. Here, the participants are planning on taking part of a hackaton. The chat section is accessible anywhere in the application:
The application is connected to a 3rd party api, which provides the hottest and most up-to-date news on a topic, also available anywhere within the application:
The administration part of the application is provides authorized users with additional rights, apart from the ones already listed above, available for ordinary users only. The additional rights are:
- List all users/posts/comments
- Delete post/comment/user
- Edit post/comment
Only authorized users can access the admin panel, once they log in, they can see it included in the profile options menu:
The REST API supports the functionalities listed below:
In order to send a request, the user has to prove their identity as they perform the "authenticate" method. In order to do so, vali login credentials are required:
Once the login action is successful, a JW Token is generated, so that it is used for authorization:
Now that the authorization is complete, the server returns a response to a request, containing the JWT: