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Basic Details

Team Name: Ohmies

Team Members

  • Team Lead: Aiswarya Chandrasekharan - Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
  • Member 2: Bhavana V Nair - Toc H Institute of Science and Technology

Project Description

This project focuses on the design and construction of 4 bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) using Xilinx Vivado. ALU is the most integral part of the processor and is the frequently accessed module during instruction execution. Here we designed an ALU based on combinational logic and is simulated and further synthesized to generate the gate level netlist. The timing diagram is also obtained to verify the result which can be later implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board. This ALU performs 16 operations including Addition, Subtration , multiplication , division , shift operations , rotate operations and many logical operations like AND , OR , XOR , XNOR , NOR , NAND and conditional operations. The basic building blocks include adders , multiplexers and basic logic gates.

The Problem

Area required , Power consumption and Speed are the various performace parameters of any ALU. By studying the speed , power and timing analysis reports of the circuit and thus making significant changes in it's design will lead the path for many custom processors.

Technical Details

Technologies/Components Used

For Software:

  • Xilinx Vivado


For Software: Verilog Code: module alu1( input [3:0] A,B, input [3:0] ALU_Sel, output [3:0] ALU_out, output CarryOut ); reg [3:0] ALU_Result; wire [4:0] tmp; assign ALU_out=ALU_Result; assign tmp = {1'b0,A} + {1'b0,B}; assign CarryOut = tmp[4]; always @(*) begin case(ALU_Sel) 4'b0000: ALU_Result = A + B ; 4'b0001: ALU_Result = A - B ; 4'b0010: ALU_Result = A * B ; 4'b0011: ALU_Result = A/B ; 4'b0100: ALU_Result = A<<1 ; 4'b0101: ALU_Result = A>>1 ; 4'b0110: ALU_Result = {A[2:0],A[3]}; 4'b0111: ALU_Result = {A[0],A[3:1]} ; 4'b1000: ALU_Result = A & B ; 4'b1001: ALU_Result = A | B ; 4'b1010: ALU_Result = A ^ B ; 4'b1011: ALU_Result = ~(A | B); 4'b1100: ALU_Result = ~(A & B); 4'b1101: ALU_Result = ~(A ^ B) ; 4'b1110: ALU_Result =(A>B)?4'd1:4'd0 ; 4'b1111: ALU_Result = (A==B)?4'd1:4'd0 ; default: ALU_Result = A + B; endcase end

TestBench Code: module TB_ALU1; reg[3:0] A,B; reg[3:0] ALU_Sel; wire[3:0] ALU_out; wire CarryOut; alu1 uut( A,B, ALU_Sel, ALU_out, CarryOut ); initial begin A=4'b1010; B=4'b0010; ALU_Sel= 4'b0000; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0001; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0010; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0011; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0100; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0101; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0110; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b0111; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1000; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1001; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1010; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1011; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1100; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1101; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1110; #10; ALU_Sel= 4'b1111; #10; end endmodule



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