A programming language
- Ahmetcan Ă–ZCAN
- Kenan ABBAK
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Korlang is a memory first dynamic language. It is easy to implement but with extra effort it allows you better memory management. It is easy to learn and easy to read. It has dynamic typing, types are associated with values not variables.
# firstly, clone the repository
$ git clone http://github.com/Tebaks/Korlang
# then open directory
$ cd Korlang
# then build source code using:
$ make
var a = 1; // integers
var b = "korlang"; // strings
var c = 1.5; // floats
var d = true; // booleans
var e = [1,"ahmet",false]; // arrays
var a = 1;
// a = 1
a += 1;
// a = a + 1
a -= 1;
// a = a -1
a *= 2;
// a = a * 2
a /= 2;
// a = a / 2
a %= 2;
// a = a % 2
var i = 0;
print("i =",i++);
// i = 0
print("i =",i);
// i = 1
var x = 1;
print("x =",x--);
// x = 1
print("x =",x);
// x = 0
1 < 2; // true 1 > 2; // false 1 <= 2; 1 >= 2; 1 == 2; 1 != 2; "kenan" != "ahmet"; // true "jeff" = "jeff"; //true true && true; // true true || false;
if 1 < 2 { print(1,"less than",2); } if 1 > 2 { print(1,"greater than",2); }else { print(1,"less than",2); }
print("infinite loop");
for code == true{
print("korlang is the best");
for var a = 0; a < 10; a++;{
var i = 0; for { i++; break; // Breaks the infinite loop } print("i =",i); // i = 1
Korlang functions are first-class functions. They can be used as a argument of an another function, or a return value
func messenger (message,from){
print("you got message: " , message ," from: " , from );
func sum(x,y) {
return x+y;
you got message: hi
from: korlang
// 3
func doItNTimes(f,n){ for var i = 0; i < n ; i++; { f(); } } doItNTimes(func(n){ print("selam"); },5); /* output: * selam * selam * selam * selam * selam */
func getCounter(){ var i = 0; // variable 'i' can not be accesible // outside of this block. func helper(){ i++; return i; } return helper; } var counter = getCounter(); print(counter()); // output: 1 print(i);
var person = {
name : "Kenan",
age : 22,
isOfAge: func(){
return person.age > 18;
print(person.name, person.age, person.isOfAge());
// kenan 22 true
func newPerson(name,age){ var person = { name : name, age : age, isOfAge: func(){ return person.age > 18; }, greet : func (){ print("Hi there, I'm ",person.name); } }; return person; } var businessMan = newPerson("Jeff Bezos",56); var isAgeOf= businessMan.isOfAge(); if isAgeOf { businessMan.greet(); } // Hi there, I'm Jeff Bezos
It has "kor{}" statement lets you conserve variables in curly brackets.
var x = 5;
var y = 10;
var z = x+y;
extract z;
print(z); // result 15
print(x); // Variable not found.
print(y); // Variable not found.
"kor" statement can be used for deleting external scope objects
var externalVar = "Hello";
kor externalVar // can be used inline syntax
var anotherExternalVar = "Hi, again";
kor {
var internalVar = "Hi, from kor";
extract internalVar;
print(externalVar); // Variable Not Found!!
print(anotherExternalVar); // Variable Not Found!!
print(internalVar); // Result: Hi, from kor
Korlang has own module system.
import "math/rand.kor" // import rand standart library
var randomNumber = randomInt(0,100);
// randomNumber = random integer between 0 and 100
Korlang allows to write abstracted modules.
// Define a constructor. func NewDog(name){ var res = { name :name, makeNoise : func(){ print("Woof, Woof"); } }; return res; } // Extract contructor extract NewDog; // then contructor function can be used // outside of this module.
var a = 0;
b = a; // error occurs because b wasn't declared.
// Program will continue with catch block.
a += 10; // This block wont be executed.
a += 20;
print("a equals : ",a);
// a equals : 20
print : prints message to stdout with newline.
print(4,"THE", "CODING"); // 4 THE CODING
input : takes input from user through stdin.
var name = input("What is your name : "); print("Your name is : ",name);
array : creates an array with given size.
var myArray = array(5); print(myArray); // [ 0 0 0 0 0 ]
append : append a value to end of an array.
var myBFs = ["Hannah Montana", "Joe Jonas", "Demi Lovato"]; // after 12 years append(myBFs,"Billie Eilish"); print(myBFs); // ["Hannah Montana", "Joe Jonas", "Demi Lovato", "Billie Eilish"]
len : return length of an array or a string.
var myArray = [1, "ahmet", true]; print(len(myArray)); // 3
panic : occurs an error.
try{ panic("panic"); }catch{ print("panic occurs : ", err); }
rand : generate a random integer between 0 to 2147483647
WARNING: math/rand.kor standard library suggested. instead of using this directly.
var a = rand(); var l = a % 10; // l is a int between 0 and 10
int : cast string or float to int
var str = "10"; var ival = int(str); for var x = 0; x < ival; x++;{print(x);} // writes numbers from 0 to 10.
float: cast string or integers to float.
var str = "10"; var fval = flaot(str); for var x = 0; x < ival; x++;{print(x);} // writes numbers from 0 to 10.
- RandInt(start,end) : generate a random integer between start and end.
- RandFloat(start,end) : generate a random float between start and end.
- Sqrt(number) : takes the square root of given number.
- Pow(number,power) : takes the power of given number.
- Floor(number) : rounds the float number to upper integer.
- Ceil(number) : rounds the float number to lower integer.
- Round(number) : rounds the float number to closest integer.
- class EventEmitter:
- on(name,handler) : listen given event and invokes function when the event emitted.
- emit(name) : emit an event.
- class EventEmitter:
- Recursively factorial computation.
make factorial
- Calculate n-th fibonacci number with bottom up principles
make fibonacci
- Calculate a number is prime or not.
make prime
- Up and down game example
make updowngame
- List example
make list
- All Examples
make examples
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