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first commit for V0.3.22
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bigbrother666sh committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 2e01ba5 commit 6125154
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Showing 51 changed files with 267 additions and 2,216 deletions.
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions Dockerfile
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@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
FROM python:3.10-slim

RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -yq tzdata build-essential unzip && \
apt-get clean
apt-get install -y tzdata build-essential unzip


COPY core/requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY core/requirements.txt /tmp/requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r /tmp/requirements.txt

COPY core .

# download and unzip PocketBase
ADD /tmp/
ADD /tmp/
# for arm device
# ADD /tmp/
# ADD /tmp/
RUN unzip /tmp/ -d /app/pb/
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
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但我们也注意到部分关注者对 wiseflow 的功能定位存在一些理解偏差,为免误会,我们制作了如下表格,清晰展示 wiseflow 与爬虫、AI搜索、知识库(RAG)类项目的对比:

| | **首席情报官(Wiseflow)** |
| | **首席情报官(Wiseflow)** 的比较说明|
| **爬虫类工具** | wiseflow 集成了很多优秀的开源爬虫工具,并增加了基于 LLM 的自动化信息过滤、筛选与分类能力,所以可以简单认为 wiseflow = 爬虫工具 + AI |
| **AI搜索** | AI搜索主要的应用场景是**具体问题的即时问答**,举例:”XX公司的创始人是谁“、“xx品牌下的xx产品哪里有售” ;wiseflow主要的应用场景是**某一方面信息的持续采集**,比如XX公司的关联信息追踪,XX品牌市场行为的持续追踪……在这些场景下,用户只能提供关注点(某公司、某品牌),但无法提出具体搜索问题,且并不是一次检索,而是需要持续追踪,或者自动化进行关联追踪,您可以简单的把wiseflow理解为一个可持续自动进行 ai 搜索的“智能体”,即 “AI 情报官” |
| **知识库(RAG)类项目** | 知识库(RAG)类项目一般是基于已有信息的下游任务,并且一般面向的是私有知识(比如企业内的操作手册、产品手册、政府部门的文件等);wiseflow 目前并未整合下游任务,同时面向的是互联网上的公开信息 |
| **爬虫类工具** | 首先 wiseflow 是基于爬虫工具的项目(以目前的版本而言,wiseflow 集成了优秀的开源爬虫项目 Crwalee,而 Crawlee 的底层又是基于 beautifulsoup\playwright\httpx等大家耳熟能详的流行库)……但传统的爬虫工具都是面向开发者的,需要开发者手动去探索目标站点的结构,分析出要提取元素的 xpath 等,这不仅阻挡了普通用户,同时也毫无通用性可言,即对于不同网站(包括已有网站升级)都需要重做分析和探索。这个问题在 LLM 出现之前是无解的,而wiseflow致力的方向即是使用 LLM 自动化目标站点的分析和探索工作,从而实现“普通用户也可使用的通用爬虫”,从这个角度来说,你可以简单理解 wiseflow 为 “能自动使用爬虫工具的 AI 智能体” |
| **AI搜索** | AI搜索主要的应用场景是**具体问题的即时问答**,举例:”XX公司的创始人是谁“、“xx品牌下的xx产品哪里有售” ,用户要的是**一个答案**;wiseflow主要的应用场景是**某一方面信息的持续采集**,比如XX公司的关联信息追踪,XX品牌市场行为的持续追踪……在这些场景下,用户能提供关注点(某公司、某品牌)、甚至能提供信源(站点 url 等),但无法提出具体搜索问题,用户要的是**一系列相关信息**|
| **知识库(RAG)类项目** | 知识库(RAG)类项目一般是基于已有信息的下游任务,并且一般面向的是私有知识(比如企业内的操作手册、产品手册、政府部门的文件等);wiseflow 目前并未整合下游任务,同时面向的是互联网上的公开信息,如果从“智能体”的角度来看,二者属于为不同目的而构建的智能体,RAG 类项目是“(内部)知识助理智能体”,而 wiseflow 则是“(外部)信息采集智能体”|

## 🔄 V0.3.1 更新

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7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions compose.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,9 @@ services:
image: wiseflow:latest
tty: true
stdin_open: true
entrypoint: bash
- .env
entrypoint: ["bash", "/app/"]
- 8090:8090
- 8077:8077
- ./${PROJECT_DIR}/pb_data:/app/pb/pb_data
- ./core:/app
Empty file added core/agents/
Empty file.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions core/agents/
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
from core.llms.openai_wrapper import openai_llm as llm
# from core.llms.siliconflow_wrapper import sfa_llm
import re
from core.utils.general_utils import is_chinese, extract_and_convert_dates, extract_urls
from loguru import logger
from core.utils.pb_api import PbTalker
import os
from datetime import datetime, date
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import json_repair

class GeneralInfoExtractor:
def __init__(self, pb: PbTalker, _logger: logger) -> None:
self.pb = pb
self.logger = _logger
self.model = os.environ.get("PRIMARY_MODEL", "Qwen/Qwen2.5-7B-Instruct") # better to use "Qwen/Qwen2.5-14B-Instruct"
self.secondary_model = os.environ.get("SECONDARY_MODEL", "THUDM/glm-4-9b-chat")

# collect tags user set in pb database and determin the system prompt language based on tags
focus_data ='focus_points', filter=f'activated=True')
if not focus_data:'no activated tag found, will ask user to create one')
focus = input('It seems you have not set any focus point, WiseFlow need the specific focus point to guide the following info extract job.'
'so please input one now. describe what info you care about shortly: ')
explanation = input('Please provide more explanation for the focus point (if not necessary, pls just type enter: ')
focus_data.append({"name": focus, "explaination": explanation,
"id": pb.add('focus_points', {"focuspoint": focus, "explanation": explanation})})

self.focus_list = [item["focuspoint"] for item in focus_data]
self.focus_dict = {item["focuspoint"]: item["id"] for item in focus_data}
focus_statement = ''
for item in focus_data:
tag = item["name"]
expl = item["explaination"]
focus_statement = f"{focus_statement}#{tag}\n"
if expl:
focus_statement = f"{focus_statement}解释:{expl}\n"

if is_chinese(focus_statement):
self.get_info_prompt = f'''作为信息提取助手,你的任务是从给定的网页文本中提取与以下用户兴趣点相关的内容。兴趣点列表及其解释如下:
- 理解每个兴趣点的含义,确保提取的内容与之相关。
- 如果兴趣点有进一步的解释,确保提取的内容符合这些解释的范围。
- 忠于原文,你的任务是从网页文本中识别和提取与各个兴趣点相关的信息,并不是总结和提炼。
- 不管给定的原文是何种语言,请保证使用中文输出你的提取结果。
self.get_info_suffix = '''如果上述网页文本中包含兴趣点相关的内容,请按照以下json格式输出提取的信息(文本中可能包含多条有用信息,请不要遗漏):
[{"focus": 兴趣点名称, "content": 提取的内容}]
[{"focus": "旅游景点", "content": "北京故宫,地址:北京市东城区景山前街4号,开放时间:8:30-17:00"}, {"focus": "美食推荐", "content": "来王府井小吃街必吃北京烤鸭、炸酱面"}]
self.get_more_link_prompt = f"作为一位高效的信息筛选助手,你的任务是根据给定的兴趣点,从给定的文本及其对应的URL中挑选出最值得关注的URL。兴趣点及其解释如下:\n\n{focus_statement}"
self.get_more_link_suffix = "请逐条分析上述 文本:url 对。首先输出你的分析依据,然后给出是否挑选它的结论,如果决定挑选该条,在结论后复制输出该条的 url,否则的话直接进入下一条的分析。请一条一条的分析,不要漏掉任何一条。"
self.get_info_prompt = f'''As an information extraction assistant, your task is to extract content related to the following user focus points from the given web page text. The list of focus points and their explanations is as follows:
When extracting information, please follow the principles below:
- Understand the meaning of each focus point and ensure that the extracted content is relevant to it.
- If a focus point has further explanations, ensure that the extracted content conforms to the scope of these explanations.
- Stay true to the original text; your task is to identify and extract information related to each focus point from the web page text, not to summarize or refine it.
Please note that the given web page text is extracted from HTML code via a crawler, so please ignore any unnecessary spaces, line breaks, etc.'''
self.get_info_suffix = '''If the above webpage text contains content related to points of interest, please output the extracted information in the following JSON format (the text may contain multiple useful pieces of information, do not miss any):
[{"focus": "Point of Interest Name", "content": "Extracted Content"}]
[{"focus": "Tourist Attraction", "content": "The Forbidden City, Beijing, Address: No. 4 Jingshan Front Street, Dongcheng District, Opening Hours: 8:30-17:00"}, {"focus": "Food Recommendation", "content": "Must-try at Wangfujing Snack Street: Beijing Roast Duck, Noodles with Soybean Paste"}]
If the webpage text does not contain any information related to points of interest, please output only: []'''
self.get_more_link_prompt = f"As an efficient information filtering assistant, your task is to select the most noteworthy URLs from a set of texts and their corresponding URLs based on the given focus points. The focus points and their explanations are as follows:\n\n{focus_statement}"
self.get_more_link_suffix = "Please analyze the above text: URL pairs. First, output your analysis basis, and then give the conclusion on whether to select it. If you decide to select this item, then copy and output the URL of this item following the conclusion; otherwise, proceed directly to the analysis of the next item. Analyze one by one, do not miss any one."

async def get_author_and_publish_date(self, text: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
system_prompt = "As an information extraction assistant, your task is to accurately extract the source (or author) and publication date from the given webpage text. It is important to adhere to extracting the information directly from the original text. If the original text does not contain a particular piece of information, please replace it with NA"
suffix = '''Please output the extracted information in the following JSON format:
{"source": source or article author (use "NA" if this information cannot be extracted), "publish_date": extracted publication date (keep only the year, month, and day; use "NA" if this information cannot be extracted)}'''

content = f'<text>\n{text}\n</text>\n\n{suffix}'
llm_output = await llm([{'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt}, {'role': 'user', 'content': content}],
model=self.secondary_model, max_tokens=50, temperature=0.1, response_format={"type": "json_object"})

self.logger.debug(f'get_author_and_publish_date llm output:\n{llm_output}')
if not llm_output:
return '', ''
result = json_repair.repair_json(llm_output, return_objects=True)
self.logger.debug(f"decoded_object: {result}")
if not isinstance(result, dict):
self.logger.debug("failed to parse from llm output")
return '', ''
if 'source' not in result or 'publish_date' not in result:
self.logger.debug("failed to parse from llm output")
return '', ''

return result['source'], result['publish_date']

async def get_more_related_urls(self, link_dict: dict) -> set[str]:
if not link_dict:
return set()
content = ''
for key, value in link_dict.items():
content = f"{content}{key}: {value}\n"
result = await llm([{'role': 'system', 'content': self.get_more_link_prompt}, {'role': 'user', 'content': f'{content}\n{self.get_more_link_suffix}'}],
model=self.secondary_model, temperature=0.1)

self.logger.debug(f'get_more_related_urls llm output:\n{result}')
urls = extract_urls(result)
raw_urls = list(link_dict.values())
for url in urls:
if url not in raw_urls:
self.logger.debug(f"{url} not in link_dict, it's model's Hallucination")
return urls

async def get_info(self, text: str, domain: str) -> list[dict]:
# logger.debug(f'receive new article_content:\n{article_content}')
content = f'<text>\n{text}\n</text>\n\n{self.get_info_suffix}'
result = await llm([{'role': 'system', 'content': self.get_info_prompt}, {'role': 'user', 'content': content}],
model=self.model, temperature=0.1, response_format={"type": "json_object"})

domain = urlparse(url).netloc

def get_info(article_content: str) -> list[dict]:
# logger.debug(f'receive new article_content:\n{article_content}')
result = openai_llm([{'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt}, {'role': 'user', 'content': article_content}],
model=get_info_model, logger=logger, temperature=0.1)

# results = pattern.findall(result)
texts = result.split('<tag>')
texts = [_.strip() for _ in texts if '</tag>' in _.strip()]
if not texts:
logger.debug(f'can not find info, llm result:\n{result}')
return []

cache = []
for text in texts:
strings = text.split('</tag>')
tag = strings[0]
tag = tag.strip()
if tag not in focus_list:'tag not in focus_list: {tag}, aborting')
info = strings[1]
info = info.split('\n\n')
info = info[0].strip()
except Exception as e:'parse error: {e}')
tag = ''
info = ''

if not info or not tag:'parse failed-{text}')

if len(info) < 7:'info too short, possible invalid: {info}')

if info.startswith('无相关信息') or info.startswith('该新闻未提及') or info.startswith('未提及'):'no relevant info: {text}')

while info.endswith('"'):
info = info[:-1]
info = info.strip()

# 拼接下来源信息
sources = re.findall(r'\[from (.*?)]', article_content)
if sources and sources[0]:
info = f"[from {sources[0]}] {info}"

cache.append({'content': info, 'tag': focus_dict[tag]})

return cache
Empty file added core/agents/
Empty file.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions core/agents/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# future plan
# inspired by
# use a visual-llm to extract the main content and determine next action

# input a playwright page object
45 changes: 0 additions & 45 deletions core/

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions core/

This file was deleted.


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