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Creating Plugins

Devesh Pal edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 1 revision


You can import most of things that you may need while creating plugins from init file of the folder (either addons or plugins)

from . import *

Command Handler

ultroid_cmd is the decorator used for handling message update (that is commands or relevant). ultroid_cmd do most of the work like managing handlers for dual/bot/user mode or even manager.


async def handler(event):
    await event.eor("Hello World!")

Inline Handler

  • in_pattern is the decorator used for Inline Assistant Updates.


async def inline(event):
    await event.answer(
       await event.builder.article(title="Hello", text="Hello from Inline...")

Callback Handler

  • @callback is used for Callback events.


async def _(ult):
    await ult.answer("How are you?")
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