AirPlay client for Android
Scan the QR code below to download the latest APK file and install it.
- Automatic discovery of AirPlay services (e.g. Apple TV, AirServer) within same network
- Beam photos from your device to AirPlay (PNG, JPG)
- Stream videos from your device to AirPlay (MP4)
- Play videos from external services (e.g. YouTube)
- Play music
- Slideshows, transitions, etc. for photos
- Scan the QR code at the top of the page to download the latest APK file and install it, or
- Download the latest APK file (under /apk) and install on your device (make sure you can install from unknown sources), or
- Clone the repository and build the APK file yourself
- Start the app and wait for services to be discovered
- Swipe from left to right, and select Connect to AirPlay... from the menu (icon will be green for resolved services)
- Swipe from left to right, and select Choose folder... from the menu to find your content (or use the default Pictures or Videos)
- Tap on a thumbnail to beam it to your AirPlay service (images will be sent and shown directly, videos will be streamed from your device)
- JmDNS library for discovery (
- Unofficial AirPlay protocol (
- Placeholder image (
- Android action bar icon pack (
- QR code generator (
- Glyph icons embedded in thumbnails (