Will mostly include functions required to run the ranking system as well as a test case for implicit ranking based on data collected from Madtown Throwdown 2016.
Designed to be implemented by a web application built on go.
Packages include parser, ranking, statistics, teamstore
For more in-depth implementation information, refer to the godocs
To use or update the following packages:
$ go get -u github.com/Team973/greymin/...
To run the demo based on data from Madtown Throwdown 2016:
$ git clone https://github.com/Team973/greymin.git
$ go run demo.go
To test the functionality of the packages:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Team973/greymin
$ go get -t -u ./...
$ go test ./...
If you've done the above once, feel free to just run:
$ go test ./...
Developed by Ron Bhattacharyay under the MIT License.