- Author : Tareq Md Rabiul Hossain Chy
- Android App of the 2022 Web & Mobile Programing project for MSc CPS2 Web & Mobile programming course
- Based on Guillaume Ehret's course
The goal of the 2022 Web & Mobile Programing project is to implement a fully functional Smart Building management system (especially building, rooms, windows and heaters controllers).
The project is composed of a Java SpringBoot Backend server, an Android Kotlin Application and a VueJS Frontend server interacting together.
Using Android Studio, anyone can build and run the app on smartphone or on a virtual device.
retrofit2: to get data from RESTFUL API
- If anyone delete a room all windows and heaters inside this room will be deleted.
- If anyone delete a building all rooms inside the building will be deleted.
- For reporting uses you can do it in the issues section of this repository.
- For contacting the developer for any other reason please email me at [email protected] or [email protected]