AptTalk is a community-oriented application that primarily focuses on real estate. It provides a social media spin to traditional real estate websites, where users can interact and discuss with each other about everything related to real estate. Planning a community event? Need general advice on home decor? Want to see the forum's consensus about certain neighborhoods? AptTalk is an all in one solution!
Client: React
, React Query
, Tailwind CSS
Server: Node
, Express
, PostgreSQL
Here's a walkthrough of how the app functions:
Upon entering application, the forum is shown where all user posts/bookmarks/comments can be seen. User then registers & logs in to their respective account. If successful login, user is authorized to: create a post, bookmark a post, and comment!
User creates a post and can bookmark their & others posts. User can also comment on posts! Multer & cloudinary is used to store images in the web.
Here's the stored images in cloudinary, in an upload folder!
User can only delete their posts. Changes are saved, regardless if user is logged in or out!
Clone this repository and install npm packages on both client & server side.
npm install
Then, to deploy this project run the following on client & server terminal:
npm start
Property | Type | Description |
id | Big Serial | id for user account (default field) |
userName | Varchar(9) | username |
Varchar(50) | user email | |
userPassword | Varchar(200) | user password |
profilePic | Varchar(500) | profile pic (given default value) |
createdAt | TimeStamp | time of account creation (default field) |
Property | Type | Description |
id | Big Serial | post id (default field) |
postContent | Text | user post content |
picture | Varchar(300) | user post image |
postAuthorId | Big Int | foreign key attached to users "id" |
Property | Type | Description |
id | Big Serial | comment id (default field) |
commentContent | Varchar(300) | comment text |
commentUserId | Big Int | foreign key attached to users "id" |
commentPostId | Big Int | foreign key attached to posts "id" |
Property | Type | Description |
id | Big Serial | bookmark id (default field) |
bookmark_post_id | Big Int | foreign key attached to posts "id" |
bookmark_user_id | Big Int | foreign key attached to users "id" |
In future versions, I plan on implementing a variety of features:
- Follow/Friend List (unique for each user)
- Add User Stories
- Granting user's the ability to edit their own posts, comments & profile
- User profile will display selected user's posts
- Integrating social logins (google/github)