Pythonocc nodes package for Ryven.
Here a way to work on Pythonocc with a node editor, Ryven in that case. To get it functional you will have to execute Ryven in an environment where pythonocc is installed.
- Ryven:
- Anaconda:
- pythonocc-core:
- pythonocc-utils:
Easy install solution for beginners : #13 (comment)
You just have to import the
file in Ryven.
Here a small example:
You can load this project from demo_example.json
Other example : Convert your points to gcode
see torus_gcode.json file
It's just a beginning to explore the possibilities given by matching the two, I've just coded simple functions to see how it works and how it should be to perform complex operations.
The nodes are of course open for contribution, as there are thousands of functions in OpenCascade and thousands of ways to develop properly the nodes!
The functions currently implemented are:
Gp_nodes = Pnt_Node, DeconstructPnt_Node, PointZero_Node,Dir_Node, Vec_Node, DX_Node, DY_Node, DZ_Node,Ax2_Node, Pln_Node, Trsf_Node, Move2pts_Node, MidPoint_Node,
BRepBuilderAPI_nodes = TwoPtsEdge_Node, Wire_Node, WireFillet2d_Node, DiscretizeWire_Node, Get_dir_from_edge_Node
BRepOffsetAPI_nodes = Pipe_Node,
BRepPrimAPI_nodes = Box_Node, Sphere_Node, Cylinder_Node,
BRepAlgoAPI_nodes = Fuse_Node, Common_Node, Cut_Node,
BRepFilletAPI_nodes = fillet_Node,
GeomAPI_nodes = PointsSurface_Node,
TopExplorer_nodes = TopExplorer_Node,
Display_nodes = display_Node, Color_Node,
Tools_nodes = List_Node, ListLength_Node, FlattenList_Node, ListItem_Node, RepeatData_Node, Serie_Node, ShiftList_Node,
DataExchange_nodes = ExportStep_Node, ImportStep_Node, ExportStl_Node, ImportStl_Node, ExportGcode_Node
Each "nodes" family is a class with a color attributed. Node names are correspond to the functions from Pythonocc.
To add a function from Pythonocc you have to generate a code as shown in