let me = Indian {
pronouns: Pronouns::He_Him,
technologies: Technologies {
front_end: vec![
vec!["HTML", "JavaScript", "Typescript"],
vec!["CSS", "TailwindCSS", "Styled Components"],
vec!["React.js", "Redux", "Next.js"],
vec!["Remix.js", "SolidJS", "Astro.js", "Qwik"],
vec!["GSAP", "MotionOne"],
back_end: vec!["Node.js", "Python", "Golang", "Rust"],
databases: vec!["MySql", "SQLite", "MongoDB", "PostgreSQL"],
cloud: vec!["AWS", "GCP"],
misc: vec!["Firebase", "AppWrite", "Supabase", "Haskell", "Nix"],
architecture: vec![
"Single Page Application",
"Multi Page Application",
"Serverless Architecture",
"MVC Architecture",
ask_me_about: vec!["web dev", "devops"],
current_focus: "Full-Stack Development and little bit of everything else :)",
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)