It contains the pre-compiled Black Magic Probe firmware for STM32f103 Boards which can be easily uploaded with any USB-to-Serial converter.
The author assumes that Python is already installed in the user's system.
Just follow the simple steps:
Connect USB-to-Serial Converter with the Blue-Pill board as show here or here. Set BOOT0
jumper on the board to 1
and press reset.
Also, download this repository in the desired location.
Open Terminal and run:sudo python -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -e -w -v -g 0x0 bmp.bin
Open Command Window and run:python -p COM2 -e -w -v -g 0x0 bmp.bin
The Ouput should look something like this:
Bootloader version 22
Chip id: 0x410 (STM32 Medium-density)
Write 256 bytes at 0x8000000
Write 256 bytes at 0x8000100
Write 256 bytes at 0x8000200
Write 256 bytes at 0x8013500
Read 256 bytes at 0x8000000
Read 256 bytes at 0x8000100
Read 256 bytes at 0x8000200
Read 256 bytes at 0x8013400
Read 256 bytes at 0x8013500
Verification OK
If you see this, you are done !! Cheers! 🍻 😉
Plug out the Serial Converter and plug the Blue-Pill Board with the native USB.