A Python script for K-medoids clustering with multi-process.
There is no useful multiprocessing implementation of K-medoids. This program can be used when you have distance_matrix (triangle is OK).
$ python kmedoids-parallel.py --help
usage: python kmedoids-parallel.py [-h] [-c] [-p NUM_THREAD] [-s INPUT_SEP] [-I INPUT_DISTMAT] [-T DIST_TYPE]
Kmedoids clustering with multiprocessing.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --av_cpu Checking the available CPU. If True, the program will exit after checking available CPU
-p NUM_THREAD, --num_thread NUM_THREAD
Number of threads. if num_thread > num_points, set num_thread = num_points for avoiding
useless cpu usage
-s INPUT_SEP, --input_sep INPUT_SEP
Input distance matrix separator
Input distance matrix
-T DIST_TYPE, --dist_type DIST_TYPE
Input distance matrix type (triu|tril|sym)
Output medoids
Output labels
-k NUM_CLUSTERS, --num_clusters NUM_CLUSTERS
Number of clusters
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
-N MAX_ITER, --max_iter MAX_ITER
Maximum number of iterations
-r RANDOM_SEED, --random_seed RANDOM_SEED
Random seed: Should be integer
For example,
python kmedoids.py --num_core 4 --input_distmat dist.csv --dist_type (triu|tril|sym) \
--output_medoids medoids.csv --output_label labels.csv --num_clusters 2 --max_iter 1000 \
--verbose --random_seed 0
python kmedoids-parallel.py \
-I test/distmat.N100.sym.csv \
-M test/medoids.N100.sym.csv \
-L test/labels.N100.sym.csv \
-N 100 \
-k 5 \
-p 10
Easy. Python3 will work.
- Python 3.11.6
$ git clone https://github.com/TakumiOtagaki/Kmedoids-parallel.git
$ cd Kmedoids-parallel
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want, you can prepend kmedoids.py
to $PATH.
export PATH="path/to/kmedoids-parallel.py:${PATH}"
$ cd Kmedoids-parallel/test
$ python kmedoids-parallel.py -I 'test/test_distmat_n300.csv' -s , -T sym -M test/test300.medoid.csv -L test/test300.label.csv -k 4 -v -N 10 -r 0 -p 2
Reading distance matrix...
Reading distmat Done
Distance matrix shape: (300, 300)
Reading distmat: Time elapsed = 0.01831841468811035 s
--------Input confirmation--------
k=4, num_thread=1, max_iter=10, random_seed=0
-------Clustering Starts...-------
kmedoids normal initialization.
...Initialization done.
medoids = [197, 215, 20, 132]
labels.freq = [50, 56, 121, 73]
Main loop starts....
Iteration 0: 0.0 %
medoids = [250 254 25 163]
labels.freq = [59, 47, 121, 73]
0th iteration: time elapsed = 0.13573622703552246 s
Iteration 1: 10.0 %
medoids = [221 256 25 163]
labels.freq = [59, 47, 121, 73]
1th iteration: time elapsed = 0.08876228332519531 s
# Converged at 1th iteration
...Clustering Done (Time elapsed: 0.227003812789917 s)
--------Saving medoids and labels...-------
...Saving Done
The input points are distributed like:
Kmedoids-parallel result is: