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This arduino library simplifies serial communications between arduinos, or between an arduino board and a python script (


  • Attach actions to functions
  • Simply send and receive strings or integers
  • Manage acknowledgments


1 - Python -> Arduino, without ack

Arduino receiver code

SerialComm s( Serial );

void remoteAnalogWrite( void ) {
    int pin = 0;
    int value = 0;
    s.getData( "ii" , &pin , &value );
    analogWrite( pin , value );

void setup( ) {
    s.attach( 2 , remoteAnalogWrite );

void loop() {

Python sender script

arduino = SerialComm('/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200)
pin = 9
value = 120
resp = arduino.sendmessage(2, (pin, value), ack=False)

2 - Python -> Arduino, with ack

Arduino receiver code

SerialComm s ( Serial );

void remoteAnalogRead( void ) {
    int pin;
    s.getData( "i" , &pin );
    int value = analogRead( pin );
    s.sendAck( "i" , value );

void setup( ) {
  s.attach( 2 , remoteAnalogRead );

void loop() {

Python sender script

arduino = SerialComm('/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200)
pin = 5
resp = arduino.sendmessage(2, (i,), ack=True)
values = arduino.parsedata("i", resp)
pin_value = values[0]

3 - Arduino -> Arduino, with ack

Arduino receiver code

SerialComm s ( Serial );
char myname[] = "Arduino receiver";

void sendMyName( void ) {
    s.sendAck( "s" , myname );

void setup( ) {
    s.attach( 2, sendMyName );

void loop() {

Arduino sender code

SerialComm s ( Serial );

void loop( ) {
    s.sendMessage( 2 , true ) ) {
    char a_string[20] = "";
    if ( s.sendMessage( 2 , true ) ) {
        s.getData( "s" , &a_string , sizeof( a_string ) );



This sample communicates with the python script (

SoftwareSerial1 and SoftwareSerial2

These samples communicate together using the SoftwareSerial library.

Quick documentation


SerialComm s(Serial);  // Use hardware serial port

Remote digitalRead

int  rDigitalRead( uint8_t pin );

Remote analogRead

int  rAnalogRead( uint8_t pin );

Remote analogWrite

void rAnalogWrite( uint8_t pin , int value);

Remote digitalWrite

void rDigitalWrite( uint8_t pin , int value);

Get the complete state of a digital pin

void rdigitalPinState( int pin , int * rw , int * pwm_cap , int * pwm_enabled , int * value);

rw : Writable or not pwm_cap : PWM capable pin pwm_enabled : PWM enabled or not value : Current value (LOW, HIG, 0-255)

Attach an action id to a callback function

bool attach(int command, void (*ptrfonction)(void));

Sending a message without values

s.sendMessage( 2 , false );

The second argument indicates if an ack is awaited. The method returns true if an ck has been received.

Sending a message with an integer

s.sendMessage( 2 , false, "i", 5 );

"i" means for an integer.

Sending a message with two integer

s.sendMessage( 2 , false, "ii", 5, 2000 );

Sending a message with a string

s.sendMessage( 2 , false, "s", a_string );

"s" means for an string.

Sending a message with two strings

s.sendMessage( 2 , false, "ss", a_stringA, a_stringB );

Sending a message with an integer and a string

s.sendMessage( 2 , false, "is", an_integer,  a_string );

Sending a message with three integers and three string

s.sendMessage( 2 , false, "iiisss", an_integerA, an_integerB, an_integerC, a_stringA, a_stringB, a_stringC );

Check for incoming messages (in loop)

if (mySerial.available()) {

Extract an integer from an incoming message

s.getData( "i" , &an_integer );

This method can be used in the callback function of after sending a message if an ack has been specified.

Extract two integers from an incoming message

s.getData( "ii" , &an_integerA, &an_integerB );

Extract a string from an incoming message

s.getData( "s" , &a_string, sizeof(a_string) );

Extract a string from an incoming message

s.getData( "ss" , &a_stringA, sizeof(a_stringA) , &a_stringB, sizeof(a_stringB) );

Extract a string and an integer from an incoming message

s.getData( "si" , &a_string, sizeof(a_string), &an_integer );

Extract a string, an integer, a string and an integer from an incoming message

s.getData( "sisi" , &a_stringA, sizeof(a_stringA), &an_integerA , &a_stringB, sizeof(a_stringB), &an_integerB );

Send an ack without data

s.sendAck( );

This method is used in the callback function.

Send an ack with an integer

s.sendAck( "i" , 5 );

Send an ack with a string

s.sendAck( "s" , a_string );

Send an ack with a string and an integer

s.sendAck( "ss" , a_string , an_integer );


Serial communication library for Arduino






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