Three.js powered Minecraft skin viewer.
- 1.8 Skins
- HD Skins
- Capes
- Elytras
- Slim Arms
- Automatic model detection (Slim / Default)
<canvas id="skin_container"></canvas>
let skinViewer = new skinview3d.SkinViewer({
canvas: document.getElementById("skin_container"),
width: 300,
height: 400,
skin: "img/skin.png"
// Change viewer size
skinViewer.width = 600;
skinViewer.height = 800;
// Load another skin
// Load a cape
// Load an elytra (from a cape texture)
skinViewer.loadCape("img/cape.png", { backEquipment: "elytra" });
// Unload(hide) the cape / elytra
// Set the background color
skinViewer.background = 0x5a76f3;
// Set the background to a panoramic image!
// Change camera FOV
skinViewer.fov = 70;
// Control objects with your mouse!
let control = skinview3d.createOrbitControls(skinViewer);
control.enableRotate = true;
control.enableZoom = false;
control.enablePan = false;
// Add an animation
let walk = skinViewer.animations.add(skinview3d.WalkingAnimation);
// Add another animation
let rotate = skinViewer.animations.add(skinview3d.RotatingAnimation);
// Remove an animation, stop walking dude
// Remove the rotating animation, and make the player face forward
// And run for now!
let run = skinViewer.animations.add(skinview3d.RunningAnimation);
// Set the speed of an animation
run.speed = 3;
// Pause single animation
run.paused = true;
// Pause all animations!
skinViewer.animations.paused = true;
skinview3d supports FXAA (fast approximate anti-aliasing).
To enable it, you need to replace SkinViewer
with FXAASkinViewer
Note that FXAA is incompatible with transparent backgrounds. So when FXAA is enabled, the default background color will be white instead of transparent.
npm run build