Artifcial intelligence in the creative industries: a review.
N Anantrasirichai, D Bull.
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A complete survey on generative ai (aigc): Is chatgpt from gpt-4 to gpt-5 all you need?.
C Zhang, C Zhang, S Zheng, Y Qiao, C Li, et al.
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State of the art on diffusion models for visual computing.
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Image Generation from Layout.
B Zhao, L Meng, W Yin, L Sigal.
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Layout2image Image Generation from Layout.
B Zhao, W Yin, L Meng, L Sigal.
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Posterlayout: A new benchmark and approach for content-aware visual-textual presentation layout.
HY Hsu, X He, Y Peng, H Kong, Q Zhang.
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Making images real again: A comprehensive survey on deep image composition.
L Niu, W Cong, L Liu, Y Hong, B Zhang, J Liang, et al.
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Shadow generation for composite image in real-world scenes.
Y Hong, L Niu, J Zhang.
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Current advances and future perspectives of image fusion: A comprehensive review.
S Karim, G Tong, J Li, A Qadir, U Farooq, Y Yu.
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In-domain gan inversion for real image editing.
J Zhu, Y Shen, D Zhao, B Zhou.
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Anycost gans for interactive image synthesis and editing.
J Lin, R Zhang, F Ganz, S Han, et al.
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EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing.
H Ling, K Kreis, D Li, SW Kim, et al.
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Condition-Aware Neural Network for Controlled Image Generation.
H Cai, M Li, Q Zhang, MY Liu, S Han.
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DialogGen: Multi-modal Interactive Dialogue System for Multi-turn Text-to-Image Generation.
M Huang, Y Long, X Deng, R Chu, J Xiong, X Liang, H Cheng, Q Lu, W Liu.
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Prompt Highlighter: Interactive Control for Multi-Modal LLMs.
Y Zhang, S Qian, B Peng, S Liu, J Jia.
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High-resolution image synthesis with latent diffusion models.
R Rombach, A Blattmann, D Lorenz, et al.
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Layoutdiffusion: Controllable diffusion model for layout-to-image generation.
G Zheng, X Zhou, X Li, Z Qi, et al.
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InteractDiffusion: Interaction Control in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models.
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Intelligent design of multimedia content in Alibaba.
K. Liu, and et al.
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Content-aware generative modeling of graphic design layouts.
X Zheng, X Qiao, Y Cao, RWH Lau.
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Automatic synthesis of advertising images according to a specified style.
W. You, and et al.
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Enabling hyper-personalisation: Automated ad creative generation and ranking for fashion e-commerce.
S Vempati, KT Malayil, V Sruthi, R Sandeep.
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N" uwa: Visual synthesis pre-training for neural visual world creation.
C Wu, J Liang, L Ji, F Yang, Y Fang, D Jiang, et al.
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Vinci: An Intelligent Graphic Design System for Generating Advertising Posters.
S Guo, Z Jin, F Sun, J Li, Z Li, Y Shi, N Cao.
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Preparing for an era of deepfakes and AI-generated ads: A framework for understanding responses to manipulated advertising.
C Campbell, K Plangger, S Sands, et al.
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Learning Rich Features for Image Manipulation Detection.
P Zhou, X Han, VI Morariu, et al.
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Faceforensics++: Learning to detect manipulated facial images.
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Constrained R-CNN A general image manipulation detection model.
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Media Forensics and DeepFakes.
L Verdoliva.
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The creation and detection of deepfakes: A survey.
Y Mirsky, W Lee.
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Multi-Modality Image Manipulation Detection.
C Yang, Z Wang, H Shen, H Li, et al.
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Adversarial deepfakes: Evaluating vulnerability of deepfake detectors to adversarial examples.
S Hussain, P Neekhara, M Jere, et al.
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Exploiting deep generative prior for versatile image restoration and manipulation.
X Pan, X Zhan, B Dai, D Lin, CC Loy, et al.
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Online handwritten signature verification using feature weighting algorithm relief.
L Yang, Y Cheng, X Wang, Q Liu.
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Characterizing and evaluating adversarial examples for Offline Handwritten Signature Verification.
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TextStyleBrush: Transfer of Text Aesthetics from a Single Example.
P Krishnan, R Kovvuri, G Pang, B Vassilev, et al.
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Video to Video Synthesis.
TC Wang, MY Liu, JY Zhu, G Liu, A Tao, J Kautz, et al.
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Mocogan: Decomposing motion and content for video generation.
S Tulyakov, MY Liu, X Yang, et al.
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Playable Video Generation.
W Menapace, S Lathuilière, et al.
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A good image generator is what you need for high-resolution video synthesis.
Y Tian, J Ren, M Chai, K Olszewski, X Peng, et al.
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From Sora What We Can See: A Survey of Text-to-Video Generation.
R Sun, Y Zhang, T Shah, J Sun, S Zhang, W Li, H Duan, B Wei, R Ranjan.
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Sora as an agi world model? a complete survey on text-to-video generation.
J Cho, FD Puspitasari, S Zheng, J Zheng, LH Lee, TH Kim, CS Hong, C Zhang.
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InteractiveVideo: User-Centric Controllable Video Generation with Synergistic Multimodal Instructions.
Y Zhang, Y Kang, Z Zhang, X Ding, S Zhao, X Yue.
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Direct-a-video: Customized video generation with user-directed camera movement and object motion.
S Yang, L Hou, H Huang, C Ma, P Wan, D Zhang, X Chen, J Liao.
Cameractrl: Enabling camera control for text-to-video generation.
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Training-free Camera Control for Video Generation.
C Hou, G Wei, Y Zeng, Z Chen.
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Deepfake Video Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks.
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Faceforensics: A large-scale video dataset for forgery detection in human faces.
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Mesonet: a compact facial video forgery detection network.
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Face Forensics in the Wild.
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Wavenet: A generative model for raw audio.
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Applications of Deep Learning to Audio Generation.
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Gansynth: Adversarial neural audio synthesis.
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Magenta is a research project exploring the role of machine learning in the process of creating art and music.
All your voices are belong to us: Stealing voices to fool humans and machines.
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Deepsonar: Towards effective and robust detection of ai-synthesized fake voices.
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ASVspoof 2019: Future horizons in spoofed and fake audio detection.
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Deep4SNet: deep learning for fake speech classification.
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Deep neural models for illumination estimation and relighting: A survey.
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Lightit: Illumination modeling and control for diffusion models.
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Retinex-Diffusion: On Controlling Illumination Conditions in Diffusion Models via Retinex Theory.
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KinectFusion: real-time 3D reconstruction and interaction using a moving depth camera.
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Soft 3D reconstruction for view synthesis.
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State of the Art on 3D Reconstruction with RGB‐D Cameras.
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Disn: Deep implicit surface network for high-quality single-view 3d reconstruction.
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Occupancy networks: Learning 3d reconstruction in function space.
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Fast Online 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes From Individual Single-Photon Detection Events.
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DI-Fusion: Online Implicit 3D Reconstruction with Deep Priors.
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SP-GAN: Sphere-guided 3D shape generation and manipulation.
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Neural scene representation and rendering.
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Deferred neural rendering: Image synthesis using neural textures.
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SIREN: Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions.
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Neural Ray-Tracing: Learning Surfaces and Reflectance for Relighting and View Synthesis.
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Autoint: Automatic integration for fast neural volume rendering.
DB Lindell, JNP Martel, et al.
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NeRF in the Wild Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections.
R Martin-Brualla, N Radwan, et al.
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Neural scene graphs for dynamic scenes.
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ACORN: Adaptive Coordinate Networks for Neural Scene Representation.
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awesome neural rendering.
Deep image or video generation approaches that enable explicit or implicit control of scene properties such as illumination, camera parameters, pose, geometry, appearance, and semantic structure..
Streetscapes: Large-scale Consistent Street View Generation Using Autoregressive Video Diffusion.
B Deng, R Tucker, Z Li, L Guibas, N Snavely, G Wetzstein.
MegaScenes: Scene-Level View Synthesis at Scale.
J Tung, G Chou, R Cai, G Yang, K Zhang, G Wetzstein, B Hariharan, et al.
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Street-view image generation from a bird's-eye view layout.
A Swerdlow, R Xu, B Zhou.
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UrbanWorld: An Urban World Model for 3D City Generation.
Yu Shang, Jiansheng Chen, Hangyu Fan, Jingtao Ding, Jie Feng, Yong Li.
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Gaudi: A neural architect for immersive 3d scene generation.
MA Bautista, P Guo, S Abnar, et al.
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Text2immersion: Generative immersive scene with 3d gaussians.
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DreamScene: 3D Gaussian-based Text-to-3D Scene Generation via Formation Pattern Sampling.
H Li, H Shi, W Zhang, W Wu, Y Liao, L Wang, et al.
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Prompt Engineering, Tools and Methods for Immersive Experience Development.
A Rozo-Torres, WJ Sarmiento.
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Speak in the Scene: Diffusion-based Acoustic Scene Transfer toward Immersive Speech Generation.
M Kim, SW Chung, Y Ji, HG Kang, MS Choi.
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Neural Moderation of ASMR Erotica Content in Social Networks.
Y Chen, D Jiang, C Tan, Y Song, C Zhang, L Chen.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023.