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Redefine is_contiguous and is_strided_1d and introduce has_positive_s…
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…trides in idx_map
Thoemi09 committed Jun 26, 2024
1 parent 713fed0 commit 37d784b
Showing 8 changed files with 75 additions and 17 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions c++/nda/_impl_basic_array_view_common.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@
[[nodiscard]] long is_contiguous() const noexcept { return lay.is_contiguous(); }

* @brief Are all the strides of the memory layout of the view/array positive?
* @return True if the nda::idx_map has positive strides, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] long has_positive_strides() const noexcept { return lay.has_positive_strides(); }

* @brief Is the view/array empty?
* @return True if the view/array does not contain any elements.
26 changes: 17 additions & 9 deletions c++/nda/layout/idx_map.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace nda {
[[nodiscard]] std::array<long, Rank> const &strides() const noexcept { return str; }

* @brief Get the value of the smallest stride.
* @brief Get the value of the smallest stride (positive or negative).
* @return Stride of the fastest varying dimension.
[[nodiscard]] long min_stride() const noexcept { return str[stride_order[Rank - 1]]; }
@@ -193,31 +193,39 @@ namespace nda {
* @brief Is the data contiguous in memory?
* @details The data is contiguous in memory if the size of the map is equal to the number of memory locations
* spanned by the map, i.e. the product of the largest stride times the length of the corresponding dimension.
* spanned by the map, i.e. the absolute value of the product of the largest stride times the length of the
* corresponding dimension.
* @return True if the data is contiguous in memory, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool is_contiguous() const noexcept {
auto s = size();
if (s == 0) return true;
auto const str_x_len = str * len;
return (*std::max_element(str_x_len.cbegin(), str_x_len.cend()) == s);
return (std::abs(str[stride_order[0]] * len[stride_order[0]]) == s);

* @brief Are all strides positive?
* @return True if all strides are positive, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool has_positive_strides() const noexcept { return (*std::min_element(str.cbegin(), str.cend()) >= 0); }

* @brief Is the data strided in memory with a constant stride?
* @details The data is strided in memory with a constant stride if the size of the map times the stride of the
* fastest dimension with an extent bigger than 1 is equal to the number of memory locations spanned by the map,
* i.e. the product of the largest stride times the length of the corresponding dimension.
* @details The data is strided in memory with a constant stride if the size of the map times the absolute value of
* the stride of the fastest dimension with an extent bigger than 1 is equal to the number of memory locations
* spanned by the map, i.e. the absolute value of the product of the largest stride times the length of the
* corresponding dimension.
* @return True if the data is strided in memory with a constant stride, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool is_strided_1d() const noexcept {
auto s = size();
if (s == 0) return true;
auto const str_x_len = str * len;
return (*std::max_element(str_x_len.cbegin(), str_x_len.cend()) == s * min_stride());
int i = Rank - 1;
for (; len[stride_order[i]] == 1; --i);
return (std::abs(str[stride_order[0]] * len[stride_order[0]]) == s * std::abs(str[stride_order[i]]));

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion c++/nda/layout_transforms.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ namespace nda {
// check size and contiguity of new shape
EXPECTS_WITH_MESSAGE(a.size() == (std::accumulate(new_shape.cbegin(), new_shape.cend(), Int{1}, std::multiplies<>{})),
"Error in nda::reshape: New shape has an incorrect number of elements");
EXPECTS_WITH_MESSAGE(a.indexmap().is_contiguous(), "Error in nda::reshape: Only contiguous arrays/views are supported");
EXPECTS_WITH_MESSAGE(a.is_contiguous(), "Error in nda::reshape: Only contiguous arrays/views are supported");
EXPECTS_WITH_MESSAGE(a.has_positive_strides(), "Error in nda::reshape: Only arrays/views with positive strides are supported")

// restrict supported layouts (why?)
using A_t = std::remove_cvref_t<A>;
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion c++/nda/linalg/eigenelements.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ namespace nda::linalg {
// runtime checks
EXPECTS((not m.empty()));
EXPECTS(is_matrix_square(m, true));

// set up the workspace
int dim = m.extent(0);
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions c++/nda/mpi/gather.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ struct mpi::lazy<mpi::tag::gather, A> {
template <nda::Array T>
void invoke(T &&target) const { // NOLINT (temporary views are allowed here)
// check if the arrays can be used in the MPI call
if (not target.is_contiguous()) NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI gather for nda::Array: Target array needs to be contiguous";
if (not target.is_contiguous() or not target.has_positive_strides())
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI gather for nda::Array: Target array needs to be contiguous with positive strides";

static_assert(std::decay_t<A>::layout_t::stride_order_encoded == std::decay_t<T>::layout_t::stride_order_encoded,
"Error in MPI gather for nda::Array: Incompatible stride orders");

@@ -166,7 +168,8 @@ namespace nda {
ArrayInitializer<std::remove_reference_t<A>> auto mpi_gather(A &&a, mpi::communicator comm = {}, int root = 0, bool all = false)
if (not a.is_contiguous()) NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI gather for nda::Array: Array needs to be contiguous";
if (not a.is_contiguous() or not a.has_positive_strides())
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI gather for nda::Array: Array needs to be contiguous with positive strides";
return mpi::lazy<mpi::tag::gather, A>{std::forward<A>(a), comm, root, all};

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions c++/nda/mpi/reduce.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -88,7 +88,9 @@ struct mpi::lazy<mpi::tag::reduce, A> {
template <nda::Array T>
void invoke(T &&target) const { // NOLINT (temporary views are allowed here)
// check if the arrays can be used in the MPI call
if (not target.is_contiguous()) NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI reduce for nda::Array: Target array needs to be contiguous";
if (not target.is_contiguous() or not target.has_positive_strides())
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI reduce for nda::Array: Target array needs to be contiguous with positive strides";

static_assert(std::decay_t<A>::layout_t::stride_order_encoded == std::decay_t<T>::layout_t::stride_order_encoded,
"Error in MPI reduce for nda::Array: Incompatible stride orders");

@@ -166,7 +168,8 @@ namespace nda {
MPI_Op op = MPI_SUM)
if (not a.is_contiguous()) NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI reduce for nda::Array: Array needs to be contiguous";
if (not a.is_contiguous() or not a.has_positive_strides())
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI reduce for nda::Array: Array needs to be contiguous with positive strides";
return mpi::lazy<mpi::tag::reduce, A>{std::forward<A>(a), comm, root, all, op};

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions c++/nda/mpi/scatter.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ struct mpi::lazy<mpi::tag::scatter, A> {
template <nda::Array T>
void invoke(T &&target) const { // NOLINT (temporary views are allowed here)
if (not target.is_contiguous()) NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI scatter for nda::Array: Target array needs to be contiguous";
if (not target.is_contiguous() or not target.has_positive_strides())
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI scatter for nda::Array: Target array needs to be contiguous with positive strides";

static_assert(std::decay_t<A>::layout_t::stride_order_encoded == std::decay_t<T>::layout_t::stride_order_encoded,
"Error in MPI scatter for nda::Array: Incompatible stride orders");

@@ -156,7 +158,8 @@ namespace nda {
ArrayInitializer<std::remove_reference_t<A>> auto mpi_scatter(A &&a, mpi::communicator comm = {}, int root = 0, bool all = false)
if (not a.is_contiguous()) NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI scatter for nda::Array: Array needs to be contiguous";
if (not a.is_contiguous() or not a.has_positive_strides())
NDA_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Error in MPI scatter for nda::Array: Array needs to be contiguous with positive strides";
return mpi::lazy<mpi::tag::scatter, A>{std::forward<A>(a), comm, root, all};

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions test/c++/nda_bugs_and_issues.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -136,3 +136,36 @@ TEST(NDA, AssignmentTo1DNegativeStridedViewsIssue) {
B = 1;
for (auto x : B) EXPECT_EQ(x, 1);

TEST(NDA, IsStrided1DAndIsContiguousIssue) {
// issue concerning the nda::idx_map::is_strided_1d and the nda::idx_map::is_contiguous function
nda::array<int, 2> A(10, 10);

auto A_v1 = A(nda::range::all, nda::range(9, -1, -1));

auto A_v2 = A(nda::range(9, -1, -1), nda::range::all);

auto A_v3 = A(nda::range(9, -1, -1), nda::range(9, -1, -1));

nda::array<int, 2> B(10, 1);

auto B_v1 = B(nda::range(0, 10, 2), nda::range::all);

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