by Travis J I Corcoran ( [email protected] )
In a rails project, add
gem "isbn" , :git => ""
to you Gemfile, then from the command line
ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers) define a namespace and a number standard for books.
ISBNs come in multiple varieties, which can cause problems. e.g.: you may have data that says that book X has ISBN Y, but when you scan the barcode on the back of book X, you get number Z. How do you compare a scanned number to a number you received from some third party?
This gem provides utilities to translate ISBNs.
First, an overview of ISBN varieties:
10 digits: ISBN10
* 9 data digits
* 1 check digit
12 digits: ISBN10 + 2-digit suplement
* 9 digits data
* ??
13 digits: ISBN13 / EAN13 (which is a superset of UPC-13...)
* 3 digits EAN prefix ("Bookland" = "978" or "979")
* 9 ISBN data digits
* 1 check digit (using a different algorithm from above!)
15 digits: ISBN10 + 5-digit price suplement
* 9 digits data
* 1 digit currency code (5 = USD, 0 = UKB)
* 4 digit price
18 digits:
* 13 digits: ISBN13
* 5 digits: EAN 5 (price info)
This library provides tools to convert any format to 13 digits. This allows for canonicalization before storage
book = Book[12]
book.isbn = Isbn.convert_to_13(Book[12].isbn)!
or before comparison
Isbn.convert_to_13("978123456789051299") == Isbn.convert_to_13("1234567890")
There are a few conversions that can be made back and forth without loss of data: bookland prefix (978 or 979) can be removed or prepended, checksums for a 10-digit ISBN can be stripped out and replaced w the different checksum for a 13 digit ISBN, etc.
Other conversions are inherently lossy: once price information is removed from a 12, 15, or 18 digit ISBN, that info is gone for good.
- Tests needed
- This library is focused on converting to ISBN-13. We've got all the raw tools to support bidirectional conversions, but they're not fully supported.
- Diamond solicitations : ISBN10 (mostly)
- Diamond website : ISBN13+5 (mostly)
- Our scanner returns : ISBN13 / ISBN13+5 / 14chars
- Google wants : 10 / 13
- our canonical db representation : ISBN13